- Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Early Career Researchers

The Materials Research Department (MRD) supports early career materials researchers at Ruhr-University Bochum by offering a platform for scientific exchange and by organizing regular networking events. The Early Career Researchers (ECR) network is open to all interested master students, PhD candidates and recent postdocs from all chairs and groups represented in the Materials Research Department.
Element chat rooms
When the coronavirus pandemic called for creative solutions to continue interactions, three chat rooms were created via RUB’s Element-Chat, which are permanently open for all ECR members at RUB. Feel free to join the ECR community.
The chat rooms within the community can be used for general discussions, exchange of ideas or just to stay informed and meet up with colleagues. RUB’s IT.Services provides a manual for installation of the Element tool.
ECR Mailinglist
You are an early career materials scientist at RUB and would like to profit from MRD’s activities? Sign up for our mailinglist to stay up-to-date on everything ECR.