- Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Scientific output

Below, you can either scroll through the complete list of our annually published research in peer-reviewed journals or search for a specific author or keyword via the free text search.
- 2023 • 416
A review of the metastable omega phase in beta titanium alloys: the phase transformation mechanisms and its effect on mechanical properties
Ballor, J. and Li, T. and Prima, F. and Boehlert, C. J. and Devaraj, A.
INTERNATIONAL MATERIALS REVIEWS. Volume: 68 (2023) - 2023 • 415
Oxide- and Silicate-Water Interfaces and Their Roles in Technology and the Environment
Bañuelos, J.L. and Borguet, E. and Brown, G.E. and Cygan, R.T. and Deyoreo, J.J. and Dove, P.M. and Gaigeot, M.-P. and Geiger, F.M. and Gibbs, J.M. and Grassian, V.H. and Ilgen, A.G. and Jun, Y.-S. and Kabengi, N. and Katz, L. and Kubicki, J.D. and Lützenkirchen, J. and Putnis, C.V. and Remsing, R.C. and Rosso, K.M. and Rother, G. and Sulpizi, M. and Villalobos, M. and Zhang, H.
CHEMICAL REVIEWS. Volume: 123 (2023) - 2023 • 414
Effect of grain size on critical twinning stress and work hardening behavior in the equiatomic CrMnFeCoNi high-entropy alloy
Wagner, C. and Laplanche, G.
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PLASTICITY. Volume: 166 (2023) - 2023 • 413
Atomic motifs govern the decoration of grain boundaries by interstitial solutes
Zhou, X. and Ahmadian, A. and Gault, B. and Ophus, C. and Liebscher, C. H. and Dehm, G. and Raabe, D.
NATURE COMMUNICATIONS. Volume: 14 (2023) - 2023 • 412
Atomic-resolution observations of silver segregation in a [111] tilt grain boundary in copper
Langenohl, L. and Brink, T. and Richter, G. and Dehm, G. and Liebscher, C. H.
PHYSICAL REVIEW B. Volume: 107 (2023) - 2023 • 411
Local measurement of geometrically necessary dislocation densities and their strengthening effect in ultra-high deformed pearlite
Li, Y. and Goto, S. and Kostka, A. and Herbig, M.
MATERIALS CHARACTERIZATION. Volume: 203 (2023) - 2023 • 410
Cooperative deformation mechanisms in a fatigued CoCrNi multi-principal element alloy: A case of low stacking fault energy
Lu, K. and Chauhan, A. and Litvinov, D. and Schneider, M. and Laplanche, G. and Aktaa, J.
Linking Composition, Structure and Thickness of CoOOH layers to Oxygen Evolution Reaction Activity by Correlative Microscopy
Luan, C. and Angona, J. and Bala Krishnan, A. and Corva, M. and Hosseini, P. and Heidelmann, M. and Hagemann, U. and Batsa Tetteh, E. and Schuhmann, W. and Tschulik, K. and Li, T.
Evolution of local misorientations in the γ/γ’-microstructure of single crystal superalloys during creep studied with the rotation vector baseline (RVB) EBSD method
Gamanov, S. and Dlouhy, A. and Bürger, D. and Eggeler, G. and Thome, P.
MICROSCOPY RESEARCH AND TECHNIQUE. Volume: (2023) - 2022 • 407
Quantitative analysis of grain boundary diffusion, segregation and precipitation at a sub-nanometer scale
Peng, Z. and Meiners, T. and Lu, Y. and Liebscher, C.H. and Kostka, A. and Raabe, D. and Gault, B.
ACTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 225 (2022) - 2022 • 406
A sustainable ultra-high strength Fe18Mn3Ti maraging steel through controlled solute segregation and α-Mn nanoprecipitation
Kwiatkowski da Silva, A. and Souza Filho, I.R. and Lu, W. and Zilnyk, K.D. and Hupalo, M.F. and Alves, L.M. and Ponge, D. and Gault, B. and Raabe, D.
NATURE COMMUNICATIONS. Volume: 13 (2022) - 2022 • 405
Microstructure and residual stress evolution in nanocrystalline Cu-Zr thin films
Chakraborty, J. and Oellers, T. and Raghavan, R. and Ludwig, A. and Dehm, G.
JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS. Volume: 896 (2022) - 2022 • 404
Deformation and phase transformation in polycrystalline cementite (Fe3C) during single- and multi-pass sliding wear
Tsybenko, H. and Tian, C. and Rau, J. and Breitbach, B. and Schreiber, P. and Greiner, C. and Dehm, G. and Brinckmann, S.
ACTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 227 (2022) - 2022 • 403
Elevated-temperature cyclic deformation mechanisms of CoCrNi in comparison to CoCrFeMnNi
Lu, K. and Knöpfle, F. and Chauhan, A. and Litvinov, D. and Schneider, M. and Laplanche, G. and Aktaa, J.
SCRIPTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 220 (2022) - 2022 • 402
Effects of Cr/Ni ratio on physical properties of Cr-Mn-Fe-Co-Ni high-entropy alloys
Wagner, C. and Ferrari, A. and Schreuer, J. and Couzinié, J.-P. and Ikeda, Y. and Körmann, F. and Eggeler, G. and George, E.P. and Laplanche, G.
ACTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 227 (2022) - 2022 • 401
Exploring stability of a nanoscale complex solid solution thin film by in situ heating transmission electron microscopy
Manjón, A.G. and Zhang, S. and Völker, B. and Meischein, M. and Ludwig, Al. and Scheu, C.
MRS BULLETIN. Volume: (2022) - 2022 • 400
Elucidating dislocation core structures in titanium nitride through high-resolution imaging and atomistic simulations
Salamania, J. and Sangiovanni, D.G. and Kraych, A. and Calamba Kwick, K.M. and Schramm, I.C. and Johnson, L.J.S. and Boyd, R. and Bakhit, B. and Hsu, T.W. and Mrovec, M. and Rogström, L. and Tasnádi, F. and Abrikosov, I.A. and Odén, M.
MATERIALS AND DESIGN. Volume: 224 (2022) - 2022 • 399
Hydrogen-assisted decohesion associated with nanosized grain boundary κ-carbides in a high-Mn lightweight steel
Elkot, M.N. and Sun, B. and Zhou, X. and Ponge, D. and Raabe, D.
ACTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 241 (2022) - 2022 • 398
Impact of interstitial elements on the stacking fault energy of an equiatomic CoCrNi medium entropy alloy: theory and experiments
Moravcik, I. and Zelený, M. and Dlouhy, A. and Hadraba, H. and Moravcikova-Gouvea, L. and Papež, P. and Fikar, O. and Dlouhy, I. and Raabe, D. and Li, Z.
A review of the metastable omega phase in beta titanium alloys: the phase transformation mechanisms and its effect on mechanical properties
Ballor, J. and Li, T. and Prima, F. and Boehlert, C.J. and Devaraj, A.
INTERNATIONAL MATERIALS REVIEWS. Volume: (2022) - 2022 • 396
Non-uniform He bubble formation in W/W2C composite: Experimental and ab-initio study
Šestan, A. and Sreekala, L. and Markelj, S. and Kelemen, M. and Zavašnik, J. and Liebscher, C.H. and Dehm, G. and Hickel, T. and Čeh, M. and Novak, S. and Jenuš, P.
ACTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 226 (2022) - 2022 • 395
In Situ Carbon Corrosion and Cu Leaching as a Strategy for Boosting Oxygen Evolution Reaction in Multimetal Electrocatalysts
Zhang, J. and Quast, T. and He, W. and Dieckhöfer, S. and Junqueira, J.R.C. and Öhl, D. and Wilde, P. and Jambrec, D. and Chen, Y.-T. and Schuhmann, W.
ADVANCED MATERIALS. Volume: (2022) - 2022 • 394
Linear growth of reaction layer during in-situ TEM annealing of thin film Al/Ni diffusion couples
Kostka, A. and Naujoks, D. and Oellers, T. and Salomon, S. and Somsen, C. and Öztürk, E. and Savan, A. and Ludwig, A. and Eggeler, G.
JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS. Volume: 922 (2022) - 2021 • 393
Searching novel complex solid solution electrocatalysts in unconventional element combinations
Krysiak, O.A. and Schumacher, S. and Savan, A. and Schuhmann, W. and Ludwig, A. and Andronescu, C.
NANO RESEARCH. Volume: (2021) - 2021 • 392
Dislocation networks in gamma/gamma’-microstructures formed during selective laser melting of a Ni-base superalloy
Heep, L. and Schwalbe, C. and Heinze, C. and Dlouhy, A. and Rae, C.M.F. and Eggeler, G.
SCRIPTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 190 (2021) - 2021 • 391
Revisiting ω phase embrittlement in metastable β titanium alloys: Role of elemental partitioning
Lai, M.J. and Li, T. and Yan, F.K. and Li, J.S. and Raabe, D.
SCRIPTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 193 (2021) - 2021 • 390
In situ correlation between metastable phase-transformation mechanism and kinetics in a metallic glass
Orava, J. and Balachandran, S. and Han, X. and Shuleshova, O. and Nurouzi, E. and Soldatov, I. and Oswald, S. and Gutowski, O. and Ivashko, O. and Dippel, A.-C. and Zimmermann, M. and Ivanov, Y.P. and Greer, A.L. and Raabe, D. and Herbig, M. and Kaban, I.
NATURE COMMUNICATIONS. Volume: 12 (2021) - 2021 • 389
Structure and hardness of in situ synthesized nano-oxide strengthened CoCrFeNi high entropy alloy thin films
Lee, S. and Chatain, D. and Liebscher, C.H. and Dehm, G.
SCRIPTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 203 (2021) - 2021 • 388
Ultra-Shallow All-Epitaxial Aluminum Gate GaAs/AlxGa1−xAs Transistors with High Electron Mobility
Ashlea Alava, Y. and Wang, D.Q. and Chen, C. and Ritchie, D.A. and Ludwig, A. and Ritzmann, J. and Wieck, A.D. and Klochan, O. and Hamilton, A.R.
ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS. Volume: (2021) - 2021 • 387
The influence of post-weld tempering temperatures on microstructure and strength in the stir zone of friction stir welded reduced activation ferritic/martensitic steel
Li, S. and Yang, X. and Vajragupta, N. and Tang, W. and Hartmaier, A. and Li, H.
MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A. Volume: 814 (2021) - 2021 • 386
Thermoelastic properties and γ’-solvus temperatures of single-crystal Ni-base superalloys
Horst, O.M. and Schmitz, D. and Schreuer, J. and Git, P. and Wang, H. and Körner, C. and Eggeler, G.
JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE. Volume: 56 (2021) - 2021 • 385
Combinatorial exploration of B2/L21 precipitation strengthened AlCrFeNiTi compositionally complex alloys
Wolff-Goodrich, S. and Marshal, A. and Pradeep, K.G. and Dehm, G. and Schneider, J.M. and Liebscher, C.H.
JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS. Volume: 853 (2021) - 2021 • 384
Partitioning of Solutes at Crystal Defects in Borides After Creep and Annealing in a Polycrystalline Superalloy
Lilensten, L. and Kostka, A. and Lartigue-Korinek, S. and Gault, B. and Tin, S. and Antonov, S. and Kontis, P.
JOM. Volume: (2021) - 2021 • 383
Sensing and electrocatalytic activity of tungsten disulphide thin films fabricated via metal-organic chemical vapour deposition
Wree, J.-L. and Glauber, J.-P. and Öhl, D. and Niesen, A. and Kostka, A. and Rogalla, D. and Schuhmann, W. and Devi, A.
JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C. Volume: 9 (2021) - 2021 • 382
CALPHAD-informed phase-field modeling of grain boundary microchemistry and precipitation in Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloys
Liu, C. and Garner, A. and Zhao, H. and Prangnell, P.B. and Gault, B. and Raabe, D. and Shanthraj, P.
ACTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 214 (2021) - 2021 • 381
Single co3o4 nanocubes electrocatalyzing the oxygen evolution reaction: Nano-impact insights into intrinsic activity and support effects
Liu, Z. and Corva, M. and Amin, H.M.A. and Blanc, N. and Linnemann, J. and Tschulik, K.
Single Particle Nanoelectrochemistry Reveals the Catalytic Oxygen Evolution Reaction Activity of Co3O4 Nanocubes
Quast, T. and Varhade, S. and Saddeler, S. and Chen, Y.-T. and Andronescu, C. and Schulz, S. and Schuhmann, W.
Ultrastructural changes of bovine tooth surfaces under erosion in presence of biomimetic hydroxyapatite
Fabritius-Vilpoux, K. and Enax, J. and Mayweg, D. and Meyer, F. and Herbig, M. and Raabe, D. and Fabritius, H.-O.
Identification of Active Sites in the Catalytic Oxidation of 2-Propanol over Co1+xFe2–xO4 Spinel Oxides at Solid/Liquid and Solid/Gas Interfaces
Falk, T. and Budiyanto, E. and Dreyer, M. and Pflieger, C. and Waffel, D. and Büker, J. and Weidenthaler, C. and Ortega, K.F. and Behrens, M. and Tüysüz, H. and Muhler, M. and Peng, B.
CHEMCATCHEM. Volume: 13 (2021) - 2021 • 377
Influence of the particle size on selective 2-propanol gas-phase oxidation over Co3O4 nanospheres
Falk, T. and Anke, S. and Hajiyani, H. and Saddeler, S. and Schulz, S. and Pentcheva, R. and Peng, B. and Muhler, M.
CATALYSIS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. Volume: 11 (2021) - 2021 • 376
Automated Crystal Orientation Mapping by Precession Electron Diffraction-Assisted Four-Dimensional Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy Using a Scintillator-Based CMOS Detector
Jeong, J. and Cautaerts, N. and Dehm, G. and Liebscher, C.H.
MICROSCOPY AND MICROANALYSIS. Volume: 27 (2021) - 2021 • 375
Unveiling the interface characteristics and their influence on the heat transfer behavior of hot-forged Cu–Cr/Diamond composites
Jia, S.Q. and Bolzoni, L. and Li, T. and Yang, F.
CARBON. Volume: 172 (2021) - 2021 • 374
In situ investigation of nanometric cutting of 3C-SiC using scanning electron microscope
Tian, D. and Xu, Z. and Liu, L. and Zhou, Z. and Zhang, J. and Zhao, X. and Hartmaier, A. and Liu, B. and Song, L. and Luo, X.
On the long-term aging of S-phase in aluminum alloy 2618A
Rockenhäuser, C. and Rowolt, C. and Milkereit, B. and Darvishi Kamachali, R. and Kessler, O. and Skrotzki, B.
JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE. Volume: (2021) - 2021 • 372
Unraveling the Formation Mechanism of Nanoparticles Sputtered in Ionic Liquid
Meischein, M. and Wang, X. and Ludwig, Al.
JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C. Volume: (2021) - 2021 • 371
Nickel nanoparticles supported on nitrogen–doped carbon nanotubes are a highly active, selective and stable CO2 methanation catalyst
Gödde, J. and Merko, M. and Xia, W. and Muhler, M.
JOURNAL OF ENERGY CHEMISTRY. Volume: 54 (2021) - 2021 • 370
Phase decomposition in nanocrystalline Cr0.8Cu0.2 thin films
Chakraborty, J. and Harzer, T.P. and Duarte, M.J. and Dehm, G.
JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS. Volume: 888 (2021) - 2021 • 369
Understanding creep of a single-crystalline Co-Al-W-Ta superalloy by studying the deformation mechanism, segregation tendency and stacking fault energy
Volz, N. and Xue, F. and Zenk, C.H. and Bezold, A. and Gabel, S. and Subramanyam, A.P.A. and Drautz, R. and Hammerschmidt, T. and Makineni, S.K. and Gault, B. and Göken, M. and Neumeier, S.
ACTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 214 (2021) - 2021 • 368
Parallel Dislocation Networks and Cottrell Atmospheres Reduce Thermal Conductivity of PbTe Thermoelectrics
Abdellaoui, L. and Chen, Z. and Yu, Y. and Luo, T. and Hanus, R. and Schwarz, T. and Bueno Villoro, R. and Cojocaru-Mirédin, O. and Snyder, G.J. and Raabe, D. and Pei, Y. and Scheu, C. and Zhang, S.
ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS. Volume: 31 (2021) - 2021 • 367
Effects of temperature on mechanical properties and deformation mechanisms of the equiatomic CrFeNi medium-entropy alloy
Schneider, M. and Laplanche, G.
ACTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 204 (2021) - 2021 • 366
TEM replica analysis of particle phases in a tempered martensite ferritic Cr steel after long term creep
Wang, H. and Kostka, A. and Goosen, W.E. and Eggeler, G. and Westraadt, J.E.
MATERIALS CHARACTERIZATION. Volume: 181 (2021) - 2020 • 365
(Al, Zn)3Zr dispersoids assisted η′ precipitation in anAl-Zn-Mg-Cu-Zr alloy
Zhao, H. and Chen, Y. and Gault, B. and Makineni, S.K. and Ponge, D. and Raabe, D.
MATERIALIA. Volume: 10 (2020) - 2020 • 364
Irreversible Structural Changes of Copper Hexacyanoferrate Used as a Cathode in Zn-Ion Batteries
Lim, J. and Kasiri, G. and Sahu, R. and Schweinar, K. and Hengge, K. and Raabe, D. and La Mantia, F. and Scheu, C.
CHEMISTRY - A EUROPEAN JOURNAL. Volume: 26 (2020) - 2020 • 363
A Universal Nano-capillary Based Method of Catalyst Immobilization for Liquid-Cell Transmission Electron Microscopy
Tarnev, T. and Cychy, S. and Andronescu, C. and Muhler, M. and Schuhmann, W. and Chen, Y.-T.
Synergistic Effect of Molybdenum and Tungsten in Highly Mixed Carbide Nanoparticles as Effective Catalysts in the Hydrogen Evolution Reaction under Alkaline and Acidic Conditions
Fu, Q. and Peng, B. and Masa, J. and Chen, Y.-T. and Xia, W. and Schuhmann, W. and Muhler, M.
CHEMELECTROCHEM. Volume: 7 (2020) - 2020 • 361
Bulk nanostructured AlCoCrFeMnNi chemically complex alloy synthesized by laser-powder bed fusion
Jung, H.Y. and Peter, N.J. and Gärtner, E. and Dehm, G. and Uhlenwinkel, V. and Jägle, E.A.
ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING. Volume: 35 (2020) - 2020 • 360
On the stress and temperature dependence of low temperature and high stress shear creep in Ni-base single crystal superalloys
Bürger, D. and Dlouhý, A. and Yoshimi, K. and Eggeler, G.
MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A. Volume: 795 (2020) - 2020 • 359
Tantalum and zirconium induced structural transitions at complex [111] tilt grain boundaries in copper
Meiners, T. and Duarte, J.M. and Richter, G. and Dehm, G. and Liebscher, C.H.
ACTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 190 (2020) - 2020 • 358
Synthesis of plasmonic Fe/Al nanoparticles in ionic liquids
Schmitz, A. and Meyer, H. and Meischein, M. and Garzón Manjón, A. and Schmolke, L. and Giesen, B. and Schlüsener, C. and Simon, P. and Grin, Y. and Fischer, R.A. and Scheu, C. and Ludwig, Al. and Janiak, C.
RSC ADVANCES. Volume: 10 (2020) - 2020 • 357
Analysis of strengthening due to grain boundaries and annealing twin boundaries in the CrCoNi medium-entropy alloy
Schneider, M. and George, E.P. and Manescau, T.J. and Záležák, T. and Hunfeld, J. and Dlouhý, A. and Eggeler, G. and Laplanche, G.
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PLASTICITY. Volume: 124 (2020) - 2020 • 356
Could face-centered cubic titanium in cold-rolled commercially-pure titanium only be a Ti-hydride?
Chang, Y. and Zhang, S. and Liebscher, C.H. and Dye, D. and Ponge, D. and Scheu, C. and Dehm, G. and Raabe, D. and Gault, B. and Lu, W.
SCRIPTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 178 (2020) - 2020 • 355
Towards an understanding of grain boundary step in diamond cutting of polycrystalline copper
Wang, Z. and Zhang, J. and Zhang, J. and Li, G. and Zhang, H. and ul Hassan, H. and Hartmaier, A. and Yan, Y. and Sun, T.
Revealing the two-step nucleation and growth mechanism of vanadium carbonitrides in microalloyed steels
Wang, H. and Li, Y. and Detemple, E. and Eggeler, G.
SCRIPTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 187 (2020) - 2020 • 353
On the atomic solute diffusional mechanisms during compressive creep deformation of a Co-Al-W-Ta single crystal superalloy
He, J. and Zenk, C.H. and Zhou, X. and Neumeier, S. and Raabe, D. and Gault, B. and Makineni, S.K.
ACTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 184 (2020) - 2020 • 352
Atomic scale configuration of planar defects in the Nb-rich C14 Laves phase NbFe2
Šlapáková, M. and Zendegani, A. and Liebscher, C.H. and Hickel, T. and Neugebauer, J. and Hammerschmidt, T. and Ormeci, A. and Grin, J. and Dehm, G. and Kumar, K.S. and Stein, F.
ACTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 183 (2020) - 2020 • 351
On the reversible deactivation of cobalt ferrite spinel nanoparticles applied in selective 2-propanol oxidation
Anke, S. and Falk, T. and Bendt, G. and Sinev, I. and Hävecker, M. and Antoni, H. and Zegkinoglou, I. and Jeon, H. and Knop-Gericke, A. and Schlögl, R. and Roldan Cuenya, B. and Schulz, S. and Muhler, M.
JOURNAL OF CATALYSIS. Volume: 382 (2020) - 2020 • 350
High-throughput characterization of Ag–V–O nanostructured thin-film materials libraries for photoelectrochemical solar water splitting
Kumari, S. and Helt, L. and Junqueira, J.R.C. and Kostka, A. and Zhang, S. and Sarker, S. and Mehta, A. and Scheu, C. and Schuhmann, W. and Ludwig, Al.
Grain boundary segregation, phase formation, and their influence on the coercivity of rapidly solidified SmF e11Ti hard magnetic alloys
Palanisamy, D. and Ener, S. and Maccari, F. and Schäfer, L. and Skokov, K.P. and Gutfleisch, O. and Raabe, D. and Gault, B.
PHYSICAL REVIEW MATERIALS. Volume: 4 (2020) - 2020 • 348
A new metalorganic chemical vapor deposition process for MoS2with a 1,4-diazabutadienyl stabilized molybdenum precursor and elemental sulfur
Wree, J.-L. and Ciftyurek, E. and Zanders, D. and Boysen, N. and Kostka, A. and Rogalla, D. and Kasischke, M. and Ostendorf, A. and Schierbaum, K. and Devi, A.
DALTON TRANSACTIONS. Volume: 49 (2020) - 2020 • 347
Unveiling the Re effect in Ni-based single crystal superalloys
Wu, X. and Makineni, S.K. and Liebscher, C.H. and Dehm, G. and Rezaei Mianroodi, J. and Shanthraj, P. and Svendsen, B. and Bürger, D. and Eggeler, G. and Raabe, D. and Gault, B.
NATURE COMMUNICATIONS. Volume: 11 (2020) - 2020 • 346
Atomic Scale Origin of Metal Ion Release from Hip Implant Taper Junctions
Balachandran, S. and Zachariah, Z. and Fischer, A. and Mayweg, D. and Wimmer, M.A. and Raabe, D. and Herbig, M.
ADVANCED SCIENCE. Volume: 7 (2020) - 2020 • 345
Early stage phase separation of AlCoCr0.75Cu0.5FeNi high-entropy powder at the nanoscale
Peter, N.J. and Duarte, M.J. and Liebscher, C.H. and Srivastava, V.C. and Uhlenwinkel, V. and Jägle, E.A. and Dehm, G.
JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS. Volume: 820 (2020) - 2020 • 344
Identifying the nature of the active sites in methanol synthesis over Cu/ZnO/Al2O3 catalysts
Laudenschleger, D. and Ruland, H. and Muhler, M.
NATURE COMMUNICATIONS. Volume: 11 (2020) - 2020 • 343
Dislocation plasticity in FeCoCrMnNi high-entropy alloy: quantitative insights from in situ transmission electron microscopy deformation
Lee, S. and Duarte, M.J. and Feuerbacher, M. and Soler, R. and Kirchlechner, C. and Liebscher, C.H. and Oh, S.H. and Dehm, G.
MATERIALS RESEARCH LETTERS. Volume: 8 (2020) - 2020 • 342
Time-dependent plasticity in silicon microbeams mediated by dislocation nucleation
Elhebeary, M. and Harzer, T. and Dehm, G. and Saif, M.T.A.
Correlative chemical and structural investigations of accelerated phase evolution in a nanocrystalline high entropy alloy
Li, Y.J. and Kostka, A. and Savan, A. and Ludwig, Al.
SCRIPTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 183 (2020) - 2020 • 340
Phase decomposition in a nanocrystalline CrCoNi alloy
Li, Y.J. and Kostka, A. and Savan, A. and Ludwig, Al.
SCRIPTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 188 (2020) - 2020 • 339
Multicomponent diffusion of F, Cl and OH in apatite with application to magma ascent rates
Li, W. and Chakraborty, S. and Nagashima, K. and Costa, F.
EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS. Volume: 550 (2020) - 2019 • 338
Aggregation control of Ru and Ir nanoparticles by tunable aryl alkyl imidazolium ionic liquids
Schmolke, L. and Lerch, S. and Bülow, M. and Siebels, M. and Schmitz, A. and Thomas, J. and Dehm, G. and Held, C. and Strassner, T. and Janiak, C.
NANOSCALE. Volume: 11 (2019) - 2019 • 337
Ti and its alloys as examples of cryogenic focused ion beam milling of environmentally-sensitive materials
Chang, Y. and Lu, W. and Guénolé, J. and Stephenson, L.T. and Szczpaniak, A. and Kontis, P. and Ackerman, A.K. and Dear, F.F. and Mouton, I. and Zhong, X. and Zhang, S. and Dye, D. and Liebscher, C.H. and Ponge, D. and Korte-Kerzel, S. and Raabe, D. and Gault, B.
NATURE COMMUNICATIONS. Volume: 10 (2019) - 2019 • 336
Influence of composition and precipitation evolution on damage at grain boundaries in a crept polycrystalline Ni-based superalloy
Kontis, P. and Kostka, A. and Raabe, D. and Gault, B.
ACTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 166 (2019) - 2019 • 335
Oxygen-mediated deformation and grain refinement in Cu-Fe nanocrystalline alloys
Guo, J. and Duarte, M.J. and Zhang, Y. and Bachmaier, A. and Gammer, C. and Dehm, G. and Pippan, R. and Zhang, Z.
ACTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 166 (2019) - 2019 • 334
Shape-preserving machining produces gradient nanolaminate medium entropy alloys with high strain hardening capability
Guo, W. and Pei, Z. and Sang, X. and Poplawsky, J.D. and Bruschi, S. and Qu, J. and Raabe, D. and Bei, H.
ACTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 170 (2019) - 2019 • 333
BioSAxS measurements reveal that two antimicrobial peptides induce similar molecular changes in Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria
Von Gundlach, A. and Ashby, M.P. and Gani, J. and Lopez-Perez, P.M. and Cookson, A.R. and Huws, S.A. and Rumancev, C. and Garamus, V.M. and Mikut, R. and Rosenhahn, A. and Hilpert, K.
FRONTIERS IN PHARMACOLOGY. Volume: 10 (2019) - 2019 • 332
Density, distribution and nature of planar faults in silver antimony telluride for thermoelectric applications
Abdellaoui, L. and Zhang, S. and Zaefferer, S. and Bueno-Villoro, R. and Baranovskiy, A. and Cojocaru-Mirédin, O. and Yu, Y. and Amouyal, Y. and Raabe, D. and Snyder, G.J. and Scheu, C.
ACTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 178 (2019) - 2019 • 331
Oxygen Evolution Electrocatalysis of a Single MOF-Derived Composite Nanoparticle on the Tip of a Nanoelectrode
Aiyappa, H.B. and Wilde, P. and Quast, T. and Masa, J. and Andronescu, C. and Chen, Y.-T. and Muhler, M. and Fischer, R.A. and Schuhmann, W.
On the mechanism of extraordinary strain hardening in an interstitial high-entropy alloy under cryogenic conditions
Wang, Z. and Lu, W. and Raabe, D. and Li, Z.
JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS. Volume: (2019) - 2019 • 329
Engineering atomic-level complexity in high-entropy and complex concentrated alloys
Oh, H.S. and Kim, S.J. and Odbadrakh, K. and Ryu, W.H. and Yoon, K.N. and Mu, S. and Körmann, F. and Ikeda, Y. and Tasan, C.C. and Raabe, D. and Egami, T. and Park, E.S.
NATURE COMMUNICATIONS. Volume: 10 (2019) - 2019 • 328
Hydroxyapatite nanowires rich in [Ca-O-P] sites for ethanol direct coupling showing high C6-12 alcohol yield
Wang, Q.-N. and Zhou, B.-C. and Weng, X.-F. and Lv, S.-P. and Schüth, F. and Lu, A.-H.
CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS. Volume: 55 (2019) - 2019 • 327
Tungsten carbide as a deoxidation agent for plasma-facing tungsten-based materials
Šestan, A. and Zavašnik, J. and Kržmanc, M.M. and Kocen, M. and Jenuš, P. and Novak, S. and Čeh, M. and Dehm, G.
JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MATERIALS. Volume: 524 (2019) - 2019 • 326
Direct Growth of Highly Strained Pt Islands on Branched Ni Nanoparticles for Improved Hydrogen Evolution Reaction Activity
Alinezhad, A. and Gloag, L. and Benedetti, T.M. and Cheong, S. and Webster, R.F. and Roelsgaard, M. and Iversen, B.B. and Schuhmann, W. and Gooding, J.J. and Tilley, R.D.
JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. Volume: 141 (2019) - 2019 • 325
Cascade Reactions in Nanozymes: Spatially Separated Active Sites inside Ag-Core-Porous-Cu-Shell Nanoparticles for Multistep Carbon Dioxide Reduction to Higher Organic Molecules
O'Mara, P.B. and Wilde, P. and Benedetti, T.M. and Andronescu, C. and Cheong, S. and Gooding, J.J. and Tilley, R.D. and Schuhmann, W.
JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. Volume: 141 (2019) - 2019 • 324
On the compositional partitioning during phase transformation in a binary ferromagnetic MnAl alloy
Palanisamy, D. and Raabe, D. and Gault, B.
ACTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 174 (2019) - 2019 • 323
Strength of hydrogen-free and hydrogen-doped Ni50Ti50 shape memory platelets
Weiser, A. and Buršíková, V. and Jarý, M. and Dymáček, P. and Dugáček, J. and Frenzel, J. and Čermák, J. and Dlouhý, A.
SCRIPTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 162 (2019) - 2019 • 322
Strength of hydrogen-free and hydrogen-doped Ni 50 Ti 50 shape memory platelets
Weiser, A. and Buršíková, V. and Jarý, M. and Dymáček, P. and Dugáček, J. and Frenzel, J. and Čermák, J. and Dlouhý, A.
SCRIPTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 162 (2019) - 2019 • 321
Real-time nanoscale observation of deformation mechanisms in CrCoNi-based medium- to high-entropy alloys at cryogenic temperatures
Ding, Q. and Fu, X. and Chen, D. and Bei, H. and Gludovatz, B. and Li, J. and Zhang, Z. and George, E.P. and Yu, Q. and Zhu, T. and Ritchie, R.O.
MATERIALS TODAY. Volume: 25 (2019) - 2019 • 320
Role of hole confinement in the recombination properties of InGaN quantum structures
Anikeeva, M. and Albrecht, M. and Mahler, F. and Tomm, J.W. and Lymperakis, L. and Chèze, C. and Calarco, R. and Neugebauer, J. and Schulz, T.
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS. Volume: 9 (2019) - 2019 • 319
On the evolution of dislocation cell structures in two Al-alloys (Al-5Mg and Al-11Zn) during reciprocal sliding wear at high homologous temperatures
Parsa, A.B. and Walter, M. and Theisen, W. and Bürger, D. and Eggeler, G.
WEAR. Volume: (2019) - 2019 • 318
Selective 2-Propanol Oxidation over Unsupported Co3O4 Spinel Nanoparticles: Mechanistic Insights into Aerobic Oxidation of Alcohols
Anke, S. and Bendt, G. and Sinev, I. and Hajiyani, H. and Antoni, H. and Zegkinoglou, I. and Jeon, H. and Pentcheva, R. and Roldan Cuenya, B. and Schulz, S. and Muhler, M.
ACS CATALYSIS. Volume: 9 (2019) - 2019 • 317
Achieving ultra-high strength and ductility in equiatomic CrCoNi with partially recrystallized microstructures
Slone, C.E. and Miao, J. and George, E.P. and Mills, M.J.
ACTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 165 (2019) - 2019 • 316
Composition of the nanosized orthorhombic O′ phase and its direct transformation to fine α during ageing in metastable β-Ti alloys
Li, T. and Lai, M. and Kostka, A. and Salomon, S. and Zhang, S. and Somsen, C. and Dargusch, M.S. and Kent, D.
SCRIPTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 170 (2019) - 2019 • 315
Sensitive and selective detection of Cu2+ ions based on fluorescent Ag nanoparticles synthesized by R-phycoerythrin from marine algae Porphyra yezoensis
Xu, Y. and Hou, Y. and Wang, Y. and Wang, Y. and Li, T. and Song, C. and Wei, N. and Wang, Q.
Elemental re-distribution inside shear bands revealed by correlative atom-probe tomography and electron microscopy in a deformed metallic glass
Balachandran, S. and Orava, J. and Köhler, M. and Breen, A.J. and Kaban, I. and Raabe, D. and Herbig, M.
SCRIPTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 168 (2019) - 2019 • 313
Crystal growth, microstructure, and physical properties of SrMnSb2
Liu, Y. and Ma, T. and Zhou, L. and Straszheim, W.E. and Islam, F. and Jensen, B.A. and Tian, W. and Heitmann, T. and Rosenberg, R.A. and Wilde, J.M. and Li, B. and Kreyssig, A. and Goldman, A.I. and Ueland, B.G. and McQueeney, R.J. and Vaknin, D.
PHYSICAL REVIEW B. Volume: 99 (2019) - 2019 • 312
Correlation between sputter deposition parameters and I-V characteristics in double-barrier memristive devices
Zahari, F. and Schlichting, F. and Strobel, J. and Dirkmann, S. and Cipo, J. and Gauter, S. and Trieschmann, J. and Marquardt, R. and Haberfehlner, G. and Kothleitner, G. and Kienle, L. and Mussenbrock, T. and Ziegler, M. and Kersten, H. and Kohlstedt, H.
Multi-scale characterization of austenite reversion and martensite recovery in a cold-rolled medium-Mn steel
Benzing, J.T. and Kwiatkowski da Silva, A. and Morsdorf, L. and Bentley, J. and Ponge, D. and Dutta, A. and Han, J. and McBride, J.R. and Van Leer, B. and Gault, B. and Raabe, D. and Wittig, J.E.
ACTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 166 (2019) - 2019 • 310
Experimental and numerical study of mechanical properties of multi-phase medium-Mn TWIP-TRIP steel: Influences of strain rate and phase constituents
Benzing, J.T. and Liu, Y. and Zhang, X. and Luecke, W.E. and Ponge, D. and Dutta, A. and Oskay, C. and Raabe, D. and Wittig, J.E.
ACTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 177 (2019) - 2019 • 309
Synthesis, microstructure, and hardness of rapidly solidified Cu-Cr alloys
Garzón-Manjón, A. and Christiansen, L. and Kirchlechner, I. and Breitbach, B. and Liebscher, C.H. and Springer, H. and Dehm, G.
JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS. Volume: 794 (2019) - 2019 • 308
Stress-induced formation of TCP phases during high temperature low cycle fatigue loading of the single-crystal Ni-base superalloy ERBO/1
Meid, C. and Eggeler, M. and Watermeyer, P. and Kostka, A. and Hammerschmidt, T. and Drautz, R. and Eggeler, G. and Bartsch, M.
ACTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 168 (2019) - 2019 • 307
On the influence of the heat treatment on microstructure formation and mechanical properties of near-α Ti-Fe alloys
Sandlöbes, S. and Korte-Kerzel, S. and Raabe, D.
MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A. Volume: 748 (2019) - 2019 • 306
Bimetallic silver-platinum nanoparticles with combined osteo-promotive and antimicrobial activity
Breisch, M. and Grasmik, V. and Loza, K. and Pappert, K. and Rostek, A. and Ziegler, N. and Ludwig, Al. and Heggen, M. and Epple, M. and Tiller, J.C. and Schildhauer, T.A. and Köller, M. and Sengstock, C.
NANOTECHNOLOGY. Volume: 30 (2019) - 2019 • 305
Nonbasal Slip Systems Enable a Strong and Ductile Hexagonal-Close-Packed High-Entropy Phase
Bu, Y. and Li, Z. and Liu, J. and Wang, H. and Raabe, D. and Yang, W.
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS. Volume: 122 (2019) - 2019 • 304
Advances in in situ nanomechanical testing
Minor, A.M. and Dehm, G.
MRS BULLETIN. Volume: 44 (2019) - 2019 • 303
Creep properties of single crystal Ni-base superalloys (SX): A comparison between conventionally cast and additive manufactured CMSX-4 materials
Bürger, D. and Parsa, A.B. and Ramsperger, M. and Körner, C. and Eggeler, G.
MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A. Volume: 762 (2019) - 2018 • 302
Multiscale Characterization of Microstructure in Near-Surface Regions of a 16MnCr5 Gear Wheel After Cyclic Loading
Medghalchi, S. and Jamebozorgi, V. and Bala Krishnan, A. and Vincent, S. and Salomon, S. and Basir Parsa, A. and Pfetzing, J. and Kostka, A. and Li, Y. and Eggeler, G. and Li, T.
JOM. Volume: (2018) - 2018 • 301
Sulfur – induced embrittlement in high-purity, polycrystalline copper
Meiners, T. and Peng, Z. and Gault, B. and Liebscher, C.H. and Dehm, G.
ACTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 156 (2018) - 2018 • 300
Effects of strain rate on mechanical properties and deformation behavior of an austenitic Fe-25Mn-3Al-3Si TWIP-TRIP steel
Benzing, J.T. and Poling, W.A. and Pierce, D.T. and Bentley, J. and Findley, K.O. and Raabe, D. and Wittig, J.E.
MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A. Volume: 711 (2018) - 2018 • 299
Crystallographic examination of the interaction between texture evolution, mechanically induced martensitic transformation and twinning in nanostructured bainite
Morales-Rivas, L. and Archie, F. and Zaefferer, S. and Benito-Alfonso, M. and Tsai, S.-P. and Yang, J.-R. and Raabe, D. and Garcia-Mateo, C. and Caballero, F.G.
JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS. Volume: 752 (2018) - 2018 • 298
Towards Reproducible Fabrication of Nanometre-Sized Carbon Electrodes: Optimisation of Automated Nanoelectrode Fabrication by Means of Transmission Electron Microscopy
Wilde, P. and Quast, T. and Aiyappa, H.B. and Chen, Y.-T. and Botz, A. and Tarnev, T. and Marquitan, M. and Feldhege, S. and Lindner, A. and Andronescu, C. and Schuhmann, W.
CHEMELECTROCHEM. Volume: 5 (2018) - 2018 • 297
Subsurface characterization of high-strength high-interstitial austenitic steels after impact wear
Mujica Roncery, L. and Agudo Jácome, L. and Aghajani, A. and Theisen, W. and Weber, S.
WEAR. Volume: 402-403 (2018) - 2018 • 296
On the Ni-Ion release rate from surfaces of binary NiTi shape memory alloys
Ševčíková, J. and Bártková, D. and Goldbergová, M. and Kuběnová, M. and Čermák, J. and Frenzel, J. and Weiser, A. and Dlouhý, A.
APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE. Volume: 427 (2018) - 2018 • 295
On the nucleation of planar faults during low temperature and high stress creep of single crystal Ni-base superalloys
Wu, X. and Dlouhy, A. and Eggeler, Y.M. and Spiecker, E. and Kostka, A. and Somsen, C. and Eggeler, G.
ACTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 144 (2018) - 2018 • 294
Modifying the nanostructure and the mechanical properties of Mo2BC hard coatings: Influence of substrate temperature during magnetron sputtering
Gleich, S. and Soler, R. and Fager, H. and Bolvardi, H. and Achenbach, J.-O. and Hans, M. and Primetzhofer, D. and Schneider, J.M. and Dehm, G. and Scheu, C.
MATERIALS AND DESIGN. Volume: 142 (2018) - 2018 • 293
Thermal stability of nanocomposite Mo2BC hard coatings deposited by magnetron sputtering
Gleich, S. and Breitbach, B. and Peter, N.J. and Soler, R. and Bolvardi, H. and Schneider, J.M. and Dehm, G. and Scheu, C.
SURFACE AND COATINGS TECHNOLOGY. Volume: 349 (2018) - 2018 • 292
Atomic scale analysis of grain boundary deuteride growth front in Zircaloy-4
Breen, A.J. and Mouton, I. and Lu, W. and Wang, S. and Szczepaniak, A. and Kontis, P. and Stephenson, L.T. and Chang, Y. and da Silva, A.K. and Liebscher, C.H. and Raabe, D. and Britton, T.B. and Herbig, M. and Gault, B.
SCRIPTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 156 (2018) - 2018 • 291
Synthesis of rare-earth metal and rare-earth metal-fluoride nanoparticles in ionic liquids and propylene carbonate
Siebels, M. and Mai, L. and Schmolke, L. and Schütte, K. and Barthel, J. and Yue, J. and Thomas, J. and Smarsly, B.M. and Devi, A. and Fischer, R.A. and Janiak, C.
BEILSTEIN JOURNAL OF NANOTECHNOLOGY. Volume: 9 (2018) - 2018 • 290
Ag-Segregation to Dislocations in PbTe-Based Thermoelectric Materials
Yu, Y. and Zhang, S. and Mio, A.M. and Gault, B. and Sheskin, A. and Scheu, C. and Raabe, D. and Zu, F. and Wuttig, M. and Amouyal, Y. and Cojocaru-Mirédin, O.
ACS APPLIED MATERIALS AND INTERFACES. Volume: 10 (2018) - 2018 • 289
Nano-laminated thin film metallic glass design for outstanding mechanical properties
Kontis, P. and Köhler, M. and Evertz, S. and Chen, Y.-T. and Schnabel, V. and Soler, R. and Bednarick, J. and Kirchlechner, C. and Dehm, G. and Raabe, D. and Schneider, J.M. and Gault, B.
SCRIPTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 155 (2018) - 2018 • 288
Synthesis and biological characterization of alloyed silver-platinum nanoparticles: From compact core-shell nanoparticles to hollow nanoalloys
Grasmik, V. and Breisch, M. and Loza, K. and Heggen, M. and Köller, M. and Sengstock, C. and Epple, M.
RSC ADVANCES. Volume: 8 (2018) - 2018 • 287
Fracture toughness of Mo2BC thin films: Intrinsic toughness versus system toughening
Soler, R. and Gleich, S. and Kirchlechner, C. and Scheu, C. and Schneider, J.M. and Dehm, G.
MATERIALS AND DESIGN. Volume: 154 (2018) - 2018 • 286
In situ TEM observation of rebonding on fractured silicon carbide
Zhang, Z. and Cui, J. and Wang, B. and Jiang, H. and Chen, G. and Yu, J. and Lin, C. and Tang, C. and Hartmaier, A. and Zhang, J. and Luo, J. and Rosenkranz, A. and Jiang, N. and Guo, D.
NANOSCALE. Volume: 10 (2018) - 2018 • 285
Microstructure and mechanical properties in the thin film system Cu-Zr
Oellers, T. and Raghavan, R. and Chakraborty, J. and Kirchlechner, C. and Kostka, A. and Liebscher, C.H. and Dehm, G. and Ludwig, Al.
THIN SOLID FILMS. Volume: 645 (2018) - 2018 • 284
How evolving multiaxial stress states affect the kinetics of rafting during creep of single crystal Ni-base superalloys
Cao, L. and Wollgramm, P. and Bürger, D. and Kostka, A. and Cailletaud, G. and Eggeler, G.
ACTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 158 (2018) - 2018 • 283
Mechanochemical synthesis of porous carbon at room temperature with a highly ordered sp2 microstructure
Casco, M.E. and Badaczewski, F. and Grätz, S. and Tolosa, A. and Presser, V. and Smarsly, B.M. and Borchardt, L.
CARBON. Volume: 139 (2018) - 2018 • 282
In situ atomic-scale observation of oxidation and decomposition processes in nanocrystalline alloys
Guo, J. and Haberfehlner, G. and Rosalie, J. and Li, L. and Duarte, M.J. and Kothleitner, G. and Dehm, G. and He, Y. and Pippan, R. and Zhang, Z.
NATURE COMMUNICATIONS. Volume: 9 (2018) - 2018 • 281
On the origin of the improvement of shape memory effect by precipitating VC in Fe–Mn–Si-based shape memory alloys
Lai, M.J. and Li, Y.J. and Lillpopp, L. and Ponge, D. and Will, S. and Raabe, D.
ACTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 155 (2018) - 2018 • 280
ω phase acts as a switch between dislocation channeling and joint twinning- and transformation-induced plasticity in a metastable β titanium alloy
Lai, M.J. and Li, T. and Raabe, D.
ACTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 151 (2018) - 2018 • 279
Deformation mechanisms, activated slip systems and critical resolved shear stresses in an Mg-LPSO alloy studied by micro-pillar compression
Chen, R. and Sandlöbes, S. and Zehnder, C. and Zeng, X. and Korte-Kerzel, S. and Raabe, D.
MATERIALS AND DESIGN. Volume: 154 (2018) - 2018 • 278
Elemental segregation to twin boundaries in a MnAl ferromagnetic Heusler alloy
Palanisamy, D. and Raabe, D. and Gault, B.
SCRIPTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 155 (2018) - 2018 • 277
From Quasicrystals to Crystals with Interpenetrating Icosahedra in Ca-Au-Al: In Situ Variable-Temperature Transformation
Pham, J. and Meng, F. and Lynn, M.J. and Ma, T. and Kreyssig, A. and Kramer, M.J. and Goldman, A.I. and Miller, G.J.
JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. Volume: 140 (2018) - 2018 • 276
Nucleation driving force for ω-assisted formation of α and associated ω morphology in β-Ti alloys
Li, T. and Kent, D. and Sha, G. and Liu, H. and Fries, S.G. and Ceguerra, A.V. and Dargusch, M.S. and Cairney, J.M.
SCRIPTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 155 (2018) - 2018 • 275
Strain-Induced Asymmetric Line Segregation at Faceted Si Grain Boundaries
Liebscher, C.H. and Stoffers, A. and Alam, M. and Lymperakis, L. and Cojocaru-Mirédin, O. and Gault, B. and Neugebauer, J. and Dehm, G. and Scheu, C. and Raabe, D.
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS. Volume: 121 (2018) - 2018 • 274
Microstructure and mechanical properties of Al0.7CoCrFeNi high-entropy-alloy prepared by directional solidification
Liu, G. and Liu, L. and Liu, X. and Wang, Z. and Han, Z. and Zhang, G. and Kostka, A.
INTERMETALLICS. Volume: 93 (2018) - 2018 • 273
Formation of eta carbide in ferrous martensite by room temperature aging
Lu, W. and Herbig, M. and Liebscher, C.H. and Morsdorf, L. and Marceau, R.K.W. and Dehm, G. and Raabe, D.
ACTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 158 (2018) - 2018 • 272
Bidirectional Transformation Enables Hierarchical Nanolaminate Dual-Phase High-Entropy Alloys
Lu, W. and Liebscher, C.H. and Dehm, G. and Raabe, D. and Li, Z.
ADVANCED MATERIALS. Volume: 30 (2018) - 2018 • 271
Atomic Layer Deposition of Nickel on ZnO Nanowire Arrays for High-Performance Supercapacitors
Ren, Q.-H. and Zhang, Y. and Lu, H.-L. and Wang, Y.-P. and Liu, W.-J. and Ji, X.-M. and Devi, A. and Jiang, A.-Q. and Zhang, D.W.
ACS APPLIED MATERIALS AND INTERFACES. Volume: 10 (2018) - 2018 • 270
A TEM Investigation of Columnar-Structured Thermal Barrier Coatings Deposited by Plasma Spray-Physical Vapor Deposition (PS-PVD)
Rezanka, S. and Somsen, C. and Eggeler, G. and Mauer, G. and Vaßen, R. and Guillon, O.
PLASMA CHEMISTRY AND PLASMA PROCESSING. Volume: 38 (2018) - 2018 • 269
Comparative biological effects of spherical noble metal nanoparticles (Rh, Pd, Ag, Pt, Au) with 4-8 nm diameter
Rostek, A. and Breisch, M. and Pappert, K. and Loza, K. and Heggen, M. and Köller, M. and Sengstock, C. and Epple, M.
BEILSTEIN JOURNAL OF NANOTECHNOLOGY. Volume: 9 (2018) - 2018 • 268
On the diffusive phase transformation mechanism assisted by extended dislocations during creep of a single crystal CoNi-based superalloy
Makineni, S.K. and Kumar, A. and Lenz, M. and Kontis, P. and Meiners, T. and Zenk, C. and Zaefferer, S. and Eggeler, G. and Neumeier, S. and Spiecker, E. and Raabe, D. and Gault, B.
ACTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 155 (2018) - 2018 • 267
Synthesis and stabilization of a new phase regime in a Mo-Si-B based alloy by laser-based additive manufacturing
Makineni, S.K. and Kini, A.R. and Jägle, E.A. and Springer, H. and Raabe, D. and Gault, B.
ACTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 151 (2018) - 2018 • 266
Carbide types in an advanced microalloyed bainitic/ferritic Cr–Mo Steel – TEM observations and thermodynamic calculations [Karbide in einem mikrolegierten bainitisch-ferritischen Cr–Mo-Stahl – TEM Charakterisierung und thermodynamische Berechnungen]
Wang, H. and Somsen, C. and Eggeler, G. and Detemple, E.
Ex situ and in situ TEM investigations of carbide precipitation in a 10Cr martensitic steel
Wang, H.
JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE. Volume: 53 (2018) - 2017 • 264
Nanophase Segregation of Self-Assembled Monolayers on Gold Nanoparticles
Meena, S.K. and Goldmann, C. and Nassoko, D. and Seydou, M. and Marchandier, T. and Moldovan, S. and Ersen, O. and Ribot, F. and Chanéac, C. and Sanchez, C. and Portehault, D. and Tielens, F. and Sulpizi, M.
ACS NANO. Volume: 11 (2017) - 2017 • 263
Coarsening of Y-rich oxide particles in 9%Cr-ODS Eurofer steel annealed at 1350 °C
Sandim, M.J.R. and Souza Filho, I.R. and Bredda, E.H. and Kostka, A. and Raabe, D. and Sandim, H.R.Z.
JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MATERIALS. Volume: 484 (2017) - 2017 • 262
Surface optical phonon propagation in defect modulated nanowires
Venkatesan, S. and Mancabelli, T. and Krogstrup, P. and Hartschuh, A. and Dehm, G. and Scheu, C.
JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS. Volume: 121 (2017) - 2017 • 261
Nanostructure of and structural defects in a Mo2BC hard coating investigated by transmission electron microscopy and atom probe tomography
Gleich, S. and Fager, H. and Bolvardi, H. and Achenbach, J.-O. and Soler, R. and Pradeep, K.G. and Schneider, J.M. and Dehm, G. and Scheu, C.
JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS. Volume: 122 (2017) - 2017 • 260
Influence of rhenium on γ′-strengthened cobalt-base superalloys
Kolb, M. and Zenk, C.H. and Kirzinger, A. and Povstugar, I. and Raabe, D. and Neumeier, S. and Göken, M.
JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH. Volume: 32 (2017) - 2017 • 259
Room temperature deformation of LPSO structures by non-basal slip
Chen, R. and Sandlöbes, S. and Zeng, X. and Li, D. and Korte-Kerzel, S. and Raabe, D.
MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A. Volume: 682 (2017) - 2017 • 258
Experimental and Theoretical Understanding of Nitrogen-Doping-Induced Strong Metal-Support Interactions in Pd/TiO2 Catalysts for Nitrobenzene Hydrogenation
Chen, P. and Khetan, A. and Yang, F. and Migunov, V. and Weide, P. and Stürmer, S.P. and Guo, P. and Kähler, K. and Xia, W. and Mayer, J. and Pitsch, H. and Simon, U. and Muhler, M.
ACS CATALYSIS. Volume: 7 (2017) - 2017 • 257
Dislocation interaction and twinning-induced plasticity in face-centered cubic Fe-Mn-C micro-pillars
Choi, W.S. and Sandlöbes, S. and Malyar, N.V. and Kirchlechner, C. and Korte-Kerzel, S. and Dehm, G. and De Cooman, B.C. and Raabe, D.
ACTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 132 (2017) - 2017 • 256
Identification of a ternary μ-phase in the Co-Ti-W system – An advanced correlative thin-film and bulk combinatorial materials investigation
Naujoks, D. and Eggeler, Y.M. and Hallensleben, P. and Frenzel, J. and Fries, S.G. and Palumbo, M. and Koßmann, J. and Hammerschmidt, T. and Pfetzing-Micklich, J. and Eggeler, G. and Spiecker, E. and Drautz, R. and Ludwig, Al.
ACTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 138 (2017) - 2017 • 255
Role of Nanostructuring and Microstructuring in Silver Antimony Telluride Compounds for Thermoelectric Applications
Cojocaru-Mirédin, O. and Abdellaoui, L. and Nagli, M. and Zhang, S. and Yu, Y. and Scheu, C. and Raabe, D. and Wuttig, M. and Amouyal, Y.
ACS APPLIED MATERIALS AND INTERFACES. Volume: 9 (2017) - 2017 • 254
Formation of nanometer-sized Cu-Sn-Se particles in Cu2ZnSnSe4 thin-films and their effect on solar cell efficiency
Schwarz, T. and Cojocaru-Mirédin, O. and Mousel, M. and Redinger, A. and Raabe, D. and Choi, P.-P.
ACTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 132 (2017) - 2017 • 253
Confined chemical and structural states at dislocations in Fe-9wt%Mn steels: A correlative TEM-atom probe study combined with multiscale modelling
Kwiatkowski da Silva, A. and Leyson, G. and Kuzmina, M. and Ponge, D. and Herbig, M. and Sandlöbes, S. and Gault, B. and Neugebauer, J. and Raabe, D.
ACTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 124 (2017) - 2017 • 252
Stability, phase separation and oxidation of a supersaturated nanocrystalline Cu-33 at.% Cr thin film alloy
Harzer, T.P. and Dehm, G.
THIN SOLID FILMS. Volume: 623 (2017) - 2017 • 251
In–situ TEM study of diffusion kinetics and electron irradiation effects on the Cr phase separation of a nanocrystalline Cu–4 at.% Cr thin film alloy
Harzer, T.P. and Duarte, M.J. and Dehm, G.
JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS. Volume: 695 (2017) - 2017 • 250
Reasons for the superior mechanical properties of medium-entropy CrCoNi compared to high-entropy CrMnFeCoNi
Laplanche, G. and Kostka, A. and Reinhart, C. and Hunfeld, J. and Eggeler, G. and George, E.P.
ACTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 128 (2017) - 2017 • 249
Transmission electron microscopy study of the microstructural evolution during higherature and low-stress (011) [11] shear creep deformation of the superalloy single crystal LEK 94
Agudo Jácome, L. and Göbenli, G. and Eggeler, G.
JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH. Volume: 32 (2017) - 2017 • 248
Strengthening and strain hardening mechanisms in a precipitation-hardened high-Mn lightweight steel
Yao, M.J. and Welsch, E. and Ponge, D. and Haghighat, S.M.H. and Sandlöbes, S. and Choi, P. and Herbig, M. and Bleskov, I. and Hickel, T. and Lipinska-Chwalek, M. and Shanthraj, P. and Scheu, C. and Zaefferer, S. and Gault, B. and Raabe, D.
ACTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 140 (2017) - 2017 • 247
Complexion-mediated martensitic phase transformation in Titanium
Zhang, J. and Tasan, C.C. and Lai, M.J. and Dippel, A.-C. and Raabe, D.
NATURE COMMUNICATIONS. Volume: 8 (2017) - 2017 • 246
Annealing induced void formation in epitaxial Al thin films on sapphire (α-Al2O3)
Hieke, S.W. and Dehm, G. and Scheu, C.
ACTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 140 (2017) - 2017 • 245
Dislocation mechanisms and 3D twin architectures generate exceptional strength-ductility-toughness combination in CrCoNi medium-entropy alloy
Zhang, Z. and Sheng, H. and Wang, Z. and Gludovatz, B. and Zhang, Z. and George, E.P. and Yu, Q. and Mao, S.X. and Ritchie, R.O.
NATURE COMMUNICATIONS. Volume: 8 (2017) - 2017 • 244
In-situ tracking the structural and chemical evolution of nanostructured CuCr alloys
Zhang, Z. and Guo, J. and Dehm, G. and Pippan, R.
ACTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 138 (2017) - 2017 • 243
Electronic structure of metastable bcc Cu-Cr alloy thin films: Comparison of electron energy-loss spectroscopy and first-principles calculations
Liebscher, C.H. and Freysoldt, C. and Dennenwaldt, T. and Harzer, T.P. and Dehm, G.
ULTRAMICROSCOPY. Volume: 178 (2017) - 2017 • 242
Kinetics and crystallization path of a Fe-based metallic glass alloy
Duarte, M.J. and Kostka, A. and Crespo, D. and Jimenez, J.A. and Dippel, A.-C. and Renner, F.U. and Dehm, G.
ACTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 127 (2017) - 2017 • 241
Dislocation activities at the martensite phase transformation interface in metastable austenitic stainless steel: An in-situ TEM study
Liu, J. and Chen, C. and Feng, Q. and Fang, X. and Wang, H. and Liu, F. and Lu, J. and Raabe, D.
MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A. Volume: 703 (2017) - 2017 • 240
Correlating Atom Probe Tomography with Atomic-Resolved Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy: Example of Segregation at Silicon Grain Boundaries
Stoffers, A. and Barthel, J. and Liebscher, C.H. and Gault, B. and Cojocaru-Mirédin, O. and Scheu, C. and Raabe, D.
MICROSCOPY AND MICROANALYSIS. Volume: (2017) - 2017 • 239
Maintaining strength in supersaturated copper–chromium thin films annealed at 0.5 of the melting temperature of Cu
Raghavan, R. and Harzer, T.P. and Djaziri, S. and Hieke, S.W. and Kirchlechner, C. and Dehm, G.
JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE. Volume: 52 (2017) - 2016 • 238
Growth of bainitic ferrite and carbon partitioning during the early stages of bainite transformation in a 2 mass% silicon steel studied by in situ neutron diffraction, TEM and APT
Timokhina, I.B. and Liss, K.D. and Raabe, D. and Rakha, K. and Beladi, H. and Xiong, X.Y. and Hodgson, P.D.
JOURNAL OF APPLIED CRYSTALLOGRAPHY. Volume: 49 (2016) - 2016 • 237
Hollow Zn/Co Zeolitic Imidazolate Framework (ZIF) and Yolk-Shell Metal@Zn/Co ZIF Nanostructures
Rösler, C. and Aijaz, A. and Turner, S. and Filippousi, M. and Shahabi, A. and Xia, W. and Van Tendeloo, G. and Muhler, M. and Fischer, R.A.
CHEMISTRY - A EUROPEAN JOURNAL. Volume: 22 (2016) - 2016 • 236
Heat-Induced Phase Transformation of Three-Dimensional Nb3O7(OH) Superstructures: Effect of Atmosphere and Electron Beam
Betzler, S.B. and Harzer, T. and Ciston, J. and Dahmen, U. and Dehm, G. and Scheu, C.
CRYSTAL GROWTH AND DESIGN. Volume: 16 (2016) - 2016 • 235
High-Temperature Stable Ni Nanoparticles for the Dry Reforming of Methane
Mette, K. and Kühl, S. and Tarasov, A. and Willinger, M.G. and Kröhnert, J. and Wrabetz, S. and Trunschke, A. and Scherzer, M. and Girgsdies, F. and Düdder, H. and Kähler, K. and Ortega, K.F. and Muhler, M. and Schlögl, R. and Behrens, M. and Lunkenbein, T.
ACS CATALYSIS. Volume: 6 (2016) - 2016 • 234
Highly selective plasma-activated copper catalysts for carbon dioxide reduction to ethylene
Mistry, H. and Varela, A.S. and Bonifacio, C.S. and Zegkinoglou, I. and Sinev, I. and Choi, Y.-W. and Kisslinger, K. and Stach, E.A. and Yang, J.C. and Strasser, P. and Cuenya, B.R.
NATURE COMMUNICATIONS. Volume: 7 (2016) - 2016 • 233
The role of metastable LPSO building block clusters in phase transformations of an Mg-Y-Zn alloy
Kim, J.-K. and Ko, W.-S. and Sandlöbes, S. and Heidelmann, M. and Grabowski, B. and Raabe, D.
ACTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 112 (2016) - 2016 • 232
Use of small-angle X-ray scattering to resolve intracellular structure changes of Escherichia coli cells induced by antibiotic treatment
Von Gundlach, A.R. and Garamus, V.M. and Willey, T.M. and Ilavsky, J. and Hilpert, K. and Rosenhahn, A.
JOURNAL OF APPLIED CRYSTALLOGRAPHY. Volume: 49 (2016) - 2016 • 231
Small angle X-ray scattering as a high-throughput method to classify antimicrobial modes of action
Von Gundlach, A.R. and Garamus, V.M. and Gorniak, T. and Davies, H.A. and Reischl, M. and Mikut, R. and Hilpert, K. and Rosenhahn, A.
BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA - BIOMEMBRANES. Volume: 1858 (2016) - 2016 • 230
Exceptional damage-tolerance of a medium-entropy alloy CrCoNi at cryogenic temperatures
Gludovatz, B. and Hohenwarter, A. and Thurston, K.V.S. and Bei, H. and Wu, Z. and George, E.P. and Ritchie, R.O.
NATURE COMMUNICATIONS. Volume: 7 (2016) - 2016 • 229
Multiple mechanisms of lath martensite plasticity
Morsdorf, L. and Jeannin, O. and Barbier, D. and Mitsuhara, M. and Raabe, D. and Tasan, C.C.
ACTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 121 (2016) - 2016 • 228
Continuous synthesis of nanostructured silica based materials in a gas-liquid segmented flow tubular reactor
Knossalla, J. and Mezzavilla, S. and Schüth, F.
NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY. Volume: 40 (2016) - 2016 • 227
Phase selection and nanocrystallization in Cu-free soft magnetic FeSiNbB amorphous alloy upon rapid annealing
Morsdorf, L. and Pradeep, K.G. and Herzer, G. and Kovács, A. and Dunin-Borkowski, R.E. and Povstugar, I. and Konygin, G. and Choi, P. and Raabe, D.
JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS. Volume: 119 (2016) - 2016 • 226
Strain hardening by dynamic slip band refinement in a high-Mn lightweight steel
Welsch, E. and Ponge, D. and Hafez Haghighat, S.M. and Sandlöbes, S. and Choi, P. and Herbig, M. and Zaefferer, S. and Raabe, D.
ACTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 116 (2016) - 2016 • 225
Magnetic microstructure in a stress-annealed Fe73.5Si15.5B7Nb3Cu1 soft magnetic alloy observed using off-axis electron holography and Lorentz microscopy
Kovács, A. and Pradeep, K.G. and Herzer, G. and Raabe, D. and Dunin-Borkowski, R.E.
AIP ADVANCES. Volume: 6 (2016) - 2016 • 224
Zeolite Beta Formation from Clear Sols: Silicate Speciation, Particle Formation and Crystallization Monitored by Complementary Analysis Methods
Castro, M. and Haouas, M. and Lim, I. and Bongard, H.J. and Schüth, F. and Taulelle, F. and Karlsson, G. and Alfredsson, V. and Breyneart, E. and Kirschhock, C.E.A. and Schmidt, W.
CHEMISTRY - A EUROPEAN JOURNAL. Volume: 22 (2016) - 2016 • 223
The effect of stress, temperature and loading direction on the creep behaviour of Ni-base single crystal superalloy miniature tensile specimens
Wollgramm, P. and Bürger, D. and Parsa, A.B. and Neuking, K. and Eggeler, G.
MATERIALS AT HIGH TEMPERATURES. Volume: 33 (2016) - 2016 • 222
Double minimum creep of single crystal Ni-base superalloys
Wu, X. and Wollgramm, P. and Somsen, C. and Dlouhy, A. and Kostka, A. and Eggeler, G.
ACTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 112 (2016) - 2016 • 221
On the mechanism of {332} twinning in metastable β titanium alloys
Lai, M.J. and Tasan, C.C. and Raabe, D.
ACTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 111 (2016) - 2016 • 220
Microstructure evolution and critical stress for twinning in the CrMnFeCoNi high-entropy alloy
Laplanche, G. and Kostka, A. and Horst, O.M. and Eggeler, G. and George, E.P.
ACTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 118 (2016) - 2016 • 219
Autonomous Filling of Grain-Boundary Cavities during Creep Loading in Fe-Mo Alloys
Zhang, S. and Fang, H. and Gramsma, M.E. and Kwakernaak, C. and Sloof, W.G. and Tichelaar, F.D. and Kuzmina, M. and Herbig, M. and Raabe, D. and Brück, E. and van der Zwaag, S. and van Dijk, N.H.
Reconstruction of nuclear quadrupole interaction in (In,Ga)As/GaAs quantum dots observed by transmission electron microscopy
Sokolov, P.S. and Petrov, M.Y. and Mehrtens, T. and Müller-Caspary, K. and Rosenauer, A. and Reuter, D. and Wieck, A.D.
The role of ω in the precipitation of α in near-β Ti alloys
Li, T. and Kent, D. and Sha, G. and Cairney, J.M. and Dargusch, M.S.
SCRIPTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 117 (2016) - 2016 • 216
Decomposition of the single-phase high-entropy alloy CrMnFeCoNi after prolonged anneals at intermediate temperatures
Otto, F. and Dlouhý, A. and Pradeep, K.G. and Kuběnová, M. and Raabe, D. and Eggeler, G. and George, E.P.
ACTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 112 (2016) - 2016 • 215
New insights into the phase transformations to isothermal ω and ω-assisted α in near β-Ti alloys
Li, T. and Kent, D. and Sha, G. and Stephenson, L.T. and Ceguerra, A.V. and Ringer, S.P. and Dargusch, M.S. and Cairney, J.M.
ACTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 106 (2016) - 2016 • 214
Cr2O3 Nanoparticles on Ba5Ta4O15 as a Noble-Metal-Free Oxygen Evolution Co-Catalyst for Photocatalytic Overall Water Splitting
Soldat, J. and Busser, G.W. and Muhler, M. and Wark, M.
CHEMCATCHEM. Volume: 8 (2016) - 2016 • 213
Local Platinum Environments in a Solid Analogue of the Molecular Periana Catalyst
Soorholtz, M. and Jones, L.C. and Samuelis, D. and Weidenthaler, C. and White, R.J. and Titirici, M.-M. and Cullen, D.A. and Zimmermann, T. and Antonietti, M. and Maier, J. and Palkovits, R. and Chmelka, B.F. and Schüth, F.
ACS CATALYSIS. Volume: 6 (2016) - 2016 • 212
Transmission electron microscopy of a CMSX-4 Ni-base superalloy produced by selective electron beam melting
Parsa, A.B. and Ramsperger, M. and Kostka, A. and Somsen, C. and Körner, C. and Eggeler, G.
METALS. Volume: 6 (2016) - 2016 • 211
Beam-induced atomic migration at Ag-containing nanofacets at an asymmetric Cu grain boundary
Peter, N.J. and Liebscher, C.H. and Kirchlechner, C. and Dehm, G.
JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH. Volume: 32 (2016) - 2016 • 210
Are Mo2BC nanocrystalline coatings damage resistant? Insights from comparative tension experiments
Djaziri, S. and Gleich, S. and Bolvardi, H. and Kirchlechner, C. and Hans, M. and Scheu, C. and Schneider, J.M. and Dehm, G.
SURFACE AND COATINGS TECHNOLOGY. Volume: 289 (2016) - 2016 • 209
Structural and optical properties of (1122) InGaN quantum wells compared to (0001) and (1120)
Pristovsek, M. and Han, Y. and Zhu, T. and Oehler, F. and Tang, F. and Oliver, R.A. and Humphreys, C.J. and Tytko, D. and Choi, P.-P. and Raabe, D. and Brunner, F. and Weyers, M.
SEMICONDUCTOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. Volume: 31 (2016) - 2015 • 208
Damage resistance in gum metal through cold work-induced microstructural heterogeneity
Zhang, J.-L. and Tasan, C.C. and Lai, M.L. and Zhang, J. and Raabe, D.
JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE. Volume: 50 (2015) - 2015 • 207
Stability of Dealloyed Porous Pt/Ni Nanoparticles
Baldizzone, C. and Gan, L. and Hodnik, N. and Keeley, G.P. and Kostka, A. and Heggen, M. and Strasser, P. and Mayrhofer, K.J.J.
ACS CATALYSIS. Volume: 5 (2015) - 2015 • 206
Atomic scale study of CU clustering and pseudo-homogeneous Fe-Si nanocrystallization in soft magnetic FeSiNbB(CU) alloys
Pradeep, K.G. and Herzer, G. and Raabe, D.
ULTRAMICROSCOPY. Volume: 159 (2015) - 2015 • 205
In Situ TEM Microcompression of Single and Bicrystalline Samples: Insights and Limitations
Imrich, P.J. and Kirchlechner, C. and Kiener, D. and Dehm, G.
JOM. Volume: 67 (2015) - 2015 • 204
Complex Nanotwin Substructure of an Asymmetric Σ9 Tilt Grain Boundary in a Silicon Polycrystal
Stoffers, A. and Ziebarth, B. and Barthel, J. and Cojocaru-Mirédin, O. and Elsässer, C. and Raabe, D.
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS. Volume: 115 (2015) - 2015 • 203
Internal and external stresses: In situ TEM compression of Cu bicrystals containing a twin boundary
Imrich, P.J. and Kirchlechner, C. and Kiener, D. and Dehm, G.
SCRIPTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 100 (2015) - 2015 • 202
The nucleation of Mo-rich Laves phase particles adjacent to M23C6 micrograin boundary carbides in 12% Cr tempered martensite ferritic steels
Isik, M.I. and Kostka, A. and Yardley, V.A. and Pradeep, K.G. and Duarte, M.J. and Choi, P.P. and Raabe, D. and Eggeler, G.
ACTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 90 (2015) - 2015 • 201
High-quality functionalized few-layer graphene: Facile fabrication and doping with nitrogen as a metal-free catalyst for the oxygen reduction reaction
Sun, Z. and Masa, J. and Weide, P. and Fairclough, S.M. and Robertson, A.W. and Ebbinghaus, P. and Warner, J.H. and Tsang, S.C.E. and Muhler, M. and Schuhmann, W.
JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A. Volume: 3 (2015) - 2015 • 200
Comparing small scale plasticity of copper-chromium nanolayered and alloyed thin films at elevated temperatures
Raghavan, R. and Harzer, T.P. and Chawla, V. and Djaziri, S. and Phillipi, B. and Wehrs, J. and Wheeler, J.M. and Michler, J. and Dehm, G.
ACTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 93 (2015) - 2015 • 199
Microstructure design and mechanical properties in a near-α Ti-4Mo alloy
Tarzimoghadam, Z. and Sandlöbes, S. and Pradeep, K.G. and Raabe, D.
ACTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 97 (2015) - 2015 • 198
Nanostructure of wet-chemically prepared, polymer-stabilized silver-gold nanoalloys (6 nm) over the entire composition range
Ristig, S. and Prymak, O. and Loza, K. and Gocyla, M. and Meyer-Zaika, W. and Heggen, M. and Raabe, D. and Epple, M.
JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY B. Volume: 3 (2015) - 2015 • 197
Microstructural evolution in a Ti-Ta hightemperature shape memory alloy during creep
Rynko, R. and Marquardt, A. and Paulsen, A. and Frenzel, J. and Somsen, C. and Eggeler, G.
3D structural and atomic-scale analysis of lath martensite: Effect of the transformation sequence
Morsdorf, L. and Tasan, C.C. and Ponge, D. and Raabe, D.
ACTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 95 (2015) - 2015 • 195
On the room temperature deformation mechanisms of a Mg-Y-Zn alloy with long-period-stacking-ordered structures
Kim, J.-K. and Sandlöbes, S. and Raabe, D.
ACTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 82 (2015) - 2015 • 194
Thermal dissolution mechanisms of AlN/CrN hard coating superlattices studied by atom probe tomography and transmission electron microscopy
Tytko, D. and Choi, P.-P. and Raabe, D.
ACTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 85 (2015) - 2015 • 193
On the identification of superdislocations in the γ′-phase of single-crystal Ni-base superalloys - An application of the LACBED method to complex microstructures
Müller, J. and Eggeler, G. and Spiecker, E.
ACTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 87 (2015) - 2015 • 192
Downscaling metal-dielectric interface fracture experiments to sub-micron dimensions: A feasibility study using TEM
Völker, B. and Heinz, W. and Roth, R. and Batke, J.M. and Cordill, M.J. and Dehm, G.
SURFACE AND COATINGS TECHNOLOGY. Volume: 270 (2015) - 2015 • 191
Mechanical and chemical investigation of the interface between tungsten-based metallizations and annealed borophosphosilicate glass
Völker, B. and Heinz, W. and Matoy, K. and Roth, R. and Batke, J.M. and Schöberl, T. and Cordill, M.J. and Dehm, G.
THIN SOLID FILMS. Volume: 583 (2015) - 2015 • 190
Effects of strain amplitude, cycle number and orientation on low cycle fatigue microstructures in austenitic stainless steel studied by electron channelling contrast imaging
Nellessen, J. and Sandlöbes, S. and Raabe, D.
ACTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 87 (2015) - 2015 • 189
Effect of process parameters on the formation of laser-induced nanoparticles during material processing with continuous solid-state lasers
Scholz, T. and Dickmann, K. and Ostendorf, A. and Uphoff, H. and Michalewicz, M.
JOURNAL OF LASER APPLICATIONS. Volume: 27 (2015) - 2015 • 188
Homogeneity and composition of AlInGaN: A multiprobe nanostructure study
Krause, F.F. and Ahl, J.-P. and Tytko, D. and Choi, P.-P. and Egoavil, R. and Schowalter, M. and Mehrtens, T. and Müller-Caspary, K. and Verbeeck, J. and Raabe, D. and Hertkorn, J. and Engl, K. and Rosenauer, A.
ULTRAMICROSCOPY. Volume: 156 (2015) - 2015 • 187
Nanolaminate transformation-induced plasticity-twinning-induced plasticity steel with dynamic strain partitioning and enhanced damage resistance
Wang, M.-M. and Tasan, C.C. and Ponge, D. and Dippel, A.-Ch. and Raabe, D.
ACTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 85 (2015) - 2015 • 186
Mechanical properties, microstructure and thermal stability of a nanocrystalline CoCrFeMnNi high-entropy alloy after severe plastic deformation
Schuh, B. and Mendez-Martin, F. and Völker, B. and George, E.P. and Clemens, H. and Pippan, R. and Hohenwarter, A.
ACTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 96 (2015) - 2015 • 185
Deformation induced alloying in crystalline - metallic glass nano-composites
Guo, W. and Yao, J. and Jägle, E.A. and Choi, P.-P. and Herbig, M. and Schneider, J.M. and Raabe, D.
MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A. Volume: 628 (2015) - 2015 • 184
Uniform 2 nm gold nanoparticles supported on iron oxides as active catalysts for CO oxidation reaction: Structure-activity relationship
Guo, Y. and Gu, D. and Jin, Z. and Du, P.-P. and Si, R. and Tao, J. and Xu, W.-Q. and Huang, Y.-Y. and Senanayake, S. and Song, Q.-S. and Jia, C.-J. and Schüth, F.
NANOSCALE. Volume: 7 (2015) - 2015 • 183
Size and orientation effects in partial dislocation-mediated deformation of twinning-induced plasticity steel micro-pillars
Choi, W.S. and De Cooman, B.C. and Sandlöbes, S. and Raabe, D.
ACTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 98 (2015) - 2015 • 182
Interface engineering and characterization at the atomic-scale of pure and mixed ion layer gas reaction buffer layers in chalcopyrite thin-film solar cells
Cojocaru-Mirédin, O. and Fu, Y. and Kostka, A. and Sáez-Araoz, R. and Beyer, A. and Knaub, N. and Volz, K. and Fischer, C.-H. and Raabe, D.
Linear complexions: Confined chemical and structural states at dislocations
Kuzmina, M. and Herbig, M. and Ponge, D. and Sandlöbes, S. and Raabe, D.
SCIENCE. Volume: 349 (2015) - 2015 • 180
Characterization of dislocation structures and deformation mechanisms in as-grown and deformed directionally solidified NiAl-Mo composites
Kwon, J. and Bowers, M.L. and Brandes, M.C. and McCreary, V. and Robertson, I.M. and Phani, P.S. and Bei, H. and Gao, Y.F. and Pharr, G.M. and George, E.P. and Mills, M.J.
ACTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 89 (2015) - 2015 • 179
Deformation mechanism of ω-enriched Ti-Nb-based gum metal: Dislocation channeling and deformation induced ω-β transformation
Lai, M.J. and Tasan, C.C. and Raabe, D.
ACTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 100 (2015) - 2015 • 178
Origin of shear induced β to ω transition in Ti-Nb-based alloys
Lai, M.J. and Tasan, C.C. and Zhang, J. and Grabowski, B. and Huang, L.F. and Raabe, D.
ACTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 92 (2015) - 2015 • 177
Effects of retained austenite volume fraction, morphology, and carbon content on strength and ductility of nanostructured TRIP-assisted steels
Shen, Y.F. and Qiu, L.N. and Sun, X. and Zuo, L. and Liaw, P.K. and Raabe, D.
MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A. Volume: 636 (2015) - 2015 • 176
Dynamic strain aging studied at the atomic scale
Aboulfadl, H. and Deges, J. and Choi, P. and Raabe, D.
ACTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 86 (2015) - 2015 • 175
Ledges and grooves at γ/γ′ interfaces of single crystal superalloys
Parsa, A.B. and Wollgramm, P. and Buck, H. and Kostka, A. and Somsen, C. and Dlouhy, A. and Eggeler, G.
ACTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 90 (2015) - 2015 • 174
Advanced scale bridging microstructure analysis of single crystal Ni-base superalloys
Parsa, A.B. and Wollgramm, P. and Buck, H. and Somsen, C. and Kostka, A. and Povstugar, I. and Choi, P.-P. and Raabe, D. and Dlouhy, A. and Müller, J. and Spiecker, E. and Demtroder, K. and Schreuer, J. and Neuking, K. and Eggeler, G.
ADVANCED ENGINEERING MATERIALS. Volume: 17 (2015) - 2015 • 173
The evolution of microstructure and mechanical properties of Ti-5Al-5Mo-5V-2Cr-1Fe during ageing
Ahmed, M. and Li, T. and Casillas, G. and Cairney, J.M. and Wexler, D. and Pereloma, E.V.
JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS. Volume: 629 (2015) - 2015 • 172
The influence of partitioning on the growth of intragranular α in near-β Ti alloys
Li, T. and Ahmed, M. and Sha, G. and Shi, R. and Casillas, G. and Yen, H.-W. and Wang, Y. and Pereloma, E.V. and Cairney, J.M.
JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS. Volume: 643 (2015) - 2015 • 171
Atomic layer-by-layer construction of Pd on nanoporous gold via underpotential deposition and displacement reaction
Yan, X. and Xiong, H. and Bai, Q. and Frenzel, J. and Si, C. and Chen, X. and Eggeler, G. and Zhang, Z.
RSC ADVANCES. Volume: 5 (2015) - 2015 • 170
The mechanism of ω-assisted α phase formation in near β-Ti alloys
Li, T. and Kent, D. and Sha, G. and Dargusch, M.S. and Cairney, J.M.
SCRIPTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 104 (2015) - 2015 • 169
Mechanisms of subgrain coarsening and its effect on the mechanical properties of carbon-supersaturated nanocrystalline hypereutectoid steel
Li, Y.J. and Kostka, A. and Choi, P. and Goto, S. and Ponge, D. and Kirchheim, R. and Raabe, D.
ACTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 84 (2015) - 2015 • 168
Combining structural and chemical information at the nanometer scale by correlative transmission electron microscopy and atom probe tomography
Herbig, M. and Choi, P. and Raabe, D.
ULTRAMICROSCOPY. Volume: 153 (2015) - 2015 • 167
Reversible or Not? Distinguishing Agglomeration and Aggregation at the Nanoscale
Sokolov, S.V. and Tschulik, K. and Batchelor-McAuley, C. and Jurkschat, K. and Compton, R.G.
ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY. Volume: 87 (2015) - 2015 • 166
Nanoscale origins of the damage tolerance of the high-entropy alloy CrMnFeCoNi
Zhang, Z. and Mao, M.M. and Wang, J. and Gludovatz, B. and Zhang, Z. and Mao, S.X. and George, E.P. and Yu, Q. and Ritchie, R.O.
NATURE COMMUNICATIONS. Volume: 6 (2015) - 2015 • 165
Interplay of strain and interdiffusion in Heusler alloy bilayers
Dutta, B. and Hickel, T. and Neugebauer, J. and Behler, C. and Fähler, S. and Behler, A. and Waske, A. and Teichert, N. and Schmalhorst, J.-M. and Hütten, A.
Shear-induced mixing governs codeformation of crystalline-amorphous nanolaminates
Guo, W. and Jägle, E.A. and Choi, P.-P. and Yao, J. and Kostka, A. and Schneider, J.M. and Raabe, D.
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS. Volume: 113 (2014) - 2014 • 163
Cyclic degradation mechanisms in aged FeNiCoAlTa shape memory single crystals
Krooß, P. and Somsen, C. and Niendorf, T. and Schaper, M. and Karaman, I. and Chumlyakov, Y. and Eggeler, G. and Maier, H.J.
ACTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 79 (2014) - 2014 • 162
Smaller is less stable: Size effects on twinning vs. transformation of reverted austenite in TRIP-maraging steels
Wang, M.-M. and Tasan, C.C. and Ponge, D. and Kostka, A. and Raabe, D.
ACTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 79 (2014) - 2014 • 161
Platinum-cobalt bimetallic nanoparticles in hollow carbon nanospheres for hydrogenolysis of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural
Wang, G.-H. and Hilgert, J. and Richter, F.H. and Wang, F. and Bongard, H.-J. and Spliethoff, B. and Weidenthaler, C. and Schüth, F.
NATURE MATERIALS. Volume: 13 (2014) - 2014 • 160
Separating strain from composition in unit cell parameter maps obtained from aberration corrected high resolution transmission electron microscopy imaging
Schulz, T. and Duff, A. and Remmele, T. and Korytov, M. and Markurt, T. and Albrecht, M. and Lymperakis, L. and Neugebauer, J. and Cheze, C. and Skierbiszewski, C.
JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS. Volume: 115 (2014) - 2014 • 159
Nanoscale understanding of bond formation during cold welding of aluminum and steel
Altin, A. and Wohletz, S. and Krieger, W. and Kostka, A. and Groche, P. and Erbe, A.
ADVANCED MATERIALS RESEARCH. Volume: 966-967 (2014) - 2014 • 158
Site occupation of Nb atoms in ternary Ni-Ti-Nb shape memory alloys
Shi, H. and Frenzel, J. and Martinez, G.T. and Van Rompaey, S. and Bakulin, A. and Kulkova, S. and Van Aert, S. and Schryvers, D.
ACTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 74 (2014) - 2014 • 157
Atomic-scale quantification of grain boundary segregation in nanocrystalline material
Herbig, M. and Raabe, D. and Li, Y.J. and Choi, P. and Zaefferer, S. and Goto, S.
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS. Volume: 112 (2014) - 2014 • 156
Crystallization, phase evolution and corrosion of Fe-based metallic glasses: An atomic-scale structural and chemical characterization study
Duarte, M.J. and Kostka, A. and Jimenez, J.A. and Choi, P. and Klemm, J. and Crespo, D. and Raabe, D. and Renner, F.U.
ACTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 71 (2014) - 2014 • 155
The role of carbonaceous deposits in the activity and stability of Ni-based catalysts applied in the dry reforming of methane
Düdder, H. and Kähler, K. and Krause, B. and Mette, K. and Kühl, S. and Behrens, M. and Scherer, V. and Muhler, M.
CATALYSIS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. Volume: 4 (2014) - 2014 • 154
Impact of nanodiffusion on the stacking fault energy in high-strength steels
Hickel, T. and Sandlöbes, S. and Marceau, R.K.W. and Dick, A. and Bleskov, I. and Neugebauer, J. and Raabe, D.
ACTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 75 (2014) - 2014 • 153
CrN/AlN nanolaminate coatings deposited via high power pulsed and middle frequency pulsed magnetron sputtering
Bagcivan, N. and Bobzin, K. and Ludwig, Al. and Grochla, D. and Brugnara, R.H.
THIN SOLID FILMS. Volume: 572 (2014) - 2014 • 152
Structural and functional characterization of enamel pigmentation in shrews
Dumont, M. and Tütken, T. and Kostka, A. and Duarte, M.J. and Borodin, S.
JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL BIOLOGY. Volume: 186 (2014) - 2014 • 151
Direct microstructural evidence for the stress induced formation of martensite during nanonindentation of NiTi
Pfetzing-Micklich, J. and Wieczorek, N. and Simon, T. and Maaß, B. and Eggeler, G.
MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A. Volume: 591 (2014) - 2014 • 150
On the spheroidized carbide dissolution and elemental partitioning in high carbon bearing steel 100Cr6
Song, W. and Choi, P.-P. and Inden, G. and Prahl, U. and Raabe, D. and Bleck, W.
Spectroelectrochemical and morphological studies of the ageing of silver nanoparticles embedded in ultra-thin perfluorinated sputter deposited films
Ebbert, C. and Alissawi, N. and Somsen, C. and Eggeler, G. and Strunskus, T. and Faupel, F. and Grundmeier, G.
THIN SOLID FILMS. Volume: 571 (2014) - 2014 • 148
Precipitation of the α-phase in an ultrafine grained beta-titanium alloy processed by severe plastic deformation
Li, T. and Kent, D. and Sha, G. and Dargusch, M.S. and Cairney, J.M.
MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A. Volume: 605 (2014) - 2014 • 147
Role and evolution of nanoparticle structure and chemical state during the oxidation of NO over size- and shape-controlled Pt/γ-Al2O 3 catalysts under operando conditions
Lira, E. and Merte, L.R. and Behafarid, F. and Ono, L.K. and Zhang, L. and Roldan Cuenya, B.
ACS CATALYSIS. Volume: 4 (2014) - 2014 • 146
Spinel Mn-Co oxide in N-doped carbon nanotubes as a bifunctional electrocatalyst synthesized by oxidative cutting
Zhao, A. and Masa, J. and Xia, W. and Maljusch, A. and Willinger, M.-G. and Clavel, G. and Xie, K. and Schlögl, R. and Schuhmann, W. and Muhler, M.
JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. Volume: 136 (2014) - 2014 • 145
An in situ transmission electron microscopy study of sintering and redispersion phenomena over size-selected metal nanoparticles: Environmental effects
Behafarid, F. and Pandey, S. and Diaz, R.E. and Stach, E.A. and Cuenya, B.R.
PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS. Volume: 16 (2014) - 2014 • 144
Structural and electronic properties of micellar Au nanoparticles: Size and ligand effects
Behafarid, F. and Matos, J. and Hong, S. and Zhang, L. and Rahman, T.S. and Roldan Cuenya, B.
ACS NANO. Volume: 8 (2014) - 2014 • 143
On the nucleation of Laves phase particles during high-temperature exposure and creep of tempered martensite ferritic steels
Isik, M.I. and Kostka, A. and Eggeler, G.
ACTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 81 (2014) - 2014 • 142
Interface reactions of Ag@TiO2 nanocomposite films
Zuo, J. and Rao, J. and Eggeler, G.
MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS. Volume: 145 (2014) - 2014 • 141
Transmission electron microscopy and ferromagnetic resonance investigations of tunnel magnetic junctions using Co2MnGe Heusler alloys as magnetic electrodes
Belmeguenai, M. and Genevois, C. and Zighem, F. and Roussigné, Y. and Chérif, S.M. and Westerholt, K. and El Bahoui, A. and Fnidiki, A. and Moch, P.
THIN SOLID FILMS. Volume: 551 (2014) - 2014 • 140
Growth mechanism of Al2Cu precipitates during in situ TEM heating of a HPT deformed Al-3wt.%Cu alloy
Rashkova, B. and Faller, M. and Pippan, R. and Dehm, G.
JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS. Volume: 600 (2014) - 2014 • 139
Amine-based solvents for exfoliating graphite to graphene outperform the dispersing capacity of N-methyl-pyrrolidone and surfactants
Sun, Z. and Huang, X. and Liu, F. and Yang, X. and Rösler, C. and Fischer, R.A. and Muhler, M. and Schuhmann, W.
CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS. Volume: 50 (2014) - 2014 • 138
High-concentration graphene dispersions with minimal stabilizer: a scaffold for enzyme immobilization for glucose oxidation
Sun, Z. and Vivekananthan, J. and Guschin, D.A. and Huang, X. and Kuznetsov, V. and Ebbinghaus, P. and Sarfraz, A. and Muhler, M. and Schuhmann, W.
On the physical nature of tribolayers and wear debris after sliding wear in a superalloy/steel tribosystem at 25 and 300°C
Rynio, C. and Hattendorf, H. and Klöwer, J. and Eggeler, G.
WEAR. Volume: 317 (2014) - 2014 • 136
The evolution of tribolayers during high temperature sliding wear
Rynio, C. and Hattendorf, H. and Klöwer, J. and Eggeler, G.
WEAR. Volume: 315 (2014) - 2014 • 135
[FeFe]-hydrogenase models assembled into vesicular structures
Menzel, K. and Apfel, U.-P. and Wolter, N. and Rüger, R. and Alpermann, T. and Steiniger, F. and Gabel, D. and Förster, S. and Weigand, W. and Fahr, A.
JOURNAL OF LIPOSOME RESEARCH. Volume: 24 (2014) - 2014 • 134
Designing Heusler nanoprecipitates by elastic misfit stabilization in Fe-Mn maraging steels
Millán, J. and Sandlöbes, S. and Al-Zubi, A. and Hickel, T. and Choi, P. and Neugebauer, J. and Ponge, D. and Raabe, D.
ACTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 76 (2014) - 2014 • 133
Atomic-scale analysis of carbon partitioning between martensite and austenite by atom probe tomography and correlative transmission electron microscopy
Toji, Y. and Matsuda, H. and Herbig, M. and Choi, P.-P. and Raabe, D.
ACTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 65 (2014) - 2014 • 132
Shape-dependent catalytic oxidation of 2-butanol over Pt nanoparticles supported on γ-Al2O3
Mistry, H. and Behafarid, F. and Zhou, E. and Ono, L.K. and Zhang, L. and Roldan Cuenya, B.
ACS CATALYSIS. Volume: 4 (2014) - 2014 • 131
Generation of NiTi nanoparticles by femtosecond laser ablation in liquid
Chakif, M. and Essaidi, A. and Gurevich, E. and Ostendorf, A. and Prymak, O. and Epple, M.
Impact of solvent mixture on iron nanoparticles generated by laser ablation
Chakif, M. and Prymak, O. and Slota, M. and Heintze, E. and Gurevich, E.L. and Esen, C. and Bogani, L. and Epple, M. and Ostendorf, A.
High-throughput fabrication of Au-Cu nanoparticle libraries by combinatorial sputtering in ionic liquids
König, D. and Richter, K. and Siegel, A. and Mudring, A.-V. and Ludwig, Al.
ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS. Volume: 24 (2014) - 2014 • 128
Large-scale synthesis and catalytic activity of nanoporous Cu-O system towards CO oxidation
Kou, T. and Si, C. and Gao, Y. and Frenzel, J. and Wang, H. and Yan, X. and Bai, Q. and Eggeler, G. and Zhang, Z.
RSC ADVANCES. Volume: 4 (2014) - 2013 • 127
Em characterization of precipitates in as-cast and annealed Ni45.5Ti45.5Nb9 shape memory alloys
Shi, H. and Frenzel, J. and Schryvers, D.
MATERIALS SCIENCE FORUM. Volume: 738-739 (2013) - 2013 • 126
Time- and space-resolved high-throughput characterization of stresses during sputtering and thermal processing of Al-Cr-N thin films
Grochla, D. and Siegel, A. and Hamann, S. and Buenconsejo, P.J.S. and Kieschnick, M. and Brunken, H. and König, D. and Ludwig, Al.
JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D: APPLIED PHYSICS. Volume: 46 (2013) - 2013 • 125
Atomic-scale investigation of ε and θ precipitates in bainite in 100Cr6 bearing steel by atom probe tomography and ab initio calculations
Song, W. and Von Appen, J. and Choi, P. and Dronskowski, R. and Raabe, D. and Bleck, W.
ACTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 61 (2013) - 2013 • 124
Interfacial structure and chemistry of GaN on Ge(111)
Zhang, S. and Zhang, Y. and Cui, Y. and Freysoldt, C. and Neugebauer, J. and Lieten, R.R. and Barnard, J.S. and Humphreys, C.J.
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS. Volume: 111 (2013) - 2013 • 123
On the crystallographic anisotropy of nanoindentation in pseudoelastic NiTi
Pfetzing-Micklich, J. and Somsen, C. and Dlouhy, A. and Begau, C. and Hartmaier, A. and Wagner, M.F.-X. and Eggeler, G.
ACTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 61 (2013) - 2013 • 122
Characterization of deformation anisotropies in an α-Ti alloy by nanoindentation and electron microscopy
Kwon, J. and Brandes, M.C. and Sudharshan Phani, P. and Pilchak, A.P. and Gao, Y.F. and George, E.P. and Pharr, G.M. and Mills, M.J.
ACTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 61 (2013) - 2013 • 121
Composition-dependent crystal structure and martensitic transformation in Heusler Ni-Mn-Sn alloys
Zheng, H. and Wang, W. and Xue, S. and Zhai, Q. and Frenzel, J. and Luo, Z.
ACTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 61 (2013) - 2013 • 120
Coupling of electron channeling with EBSD: Toward the quantitative characterization of deformation structures in the sem
Gutierrez-Urrutia, I. and Zaefferer, S. and Raabe, D.
JOM. Volume: 65 (2013) - 2013 • 119
Experimental and theoretical investigation of molybdenum carbide and nitride as catalysts for ammonia decomposition
Zheng, W. and Cotter, T.P. and Kaghazchi, P. and Jacob, T. and Frank, B. and Schlichte, K. and Zhang, W. and Su, D.S. and Schüth, F. and Schlögl, R.
JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. Volume: 135 (2013) - 2013 • 118
Functionalised porous nanocomposites: A multidisciplinary approach to investigate designed structures for supercapacitor applications
Pinkert, K. and Giebeler, L. and Herklotz, M. and Oswald, S. and Thomas, J. and Meier, A. and Borchardt, L. and Kaskel, S. and Ehrenberg, H. and Eckert, J.
JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A. Volume: 1 (2013) - 2013 • 117
Interface-directed spinodal decomposition in TiAlN/CrN multilayer hard coatings studied by atom probe tomography
Povstugar, I. and Choi, P.-P. and Tytko, D. and Ahn, J.-P. and Raabe, D.
ACTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 61 (2013) - 2013 • 116
Atomic-scale compositional characterization of a nanocrystalline AlCrCuFeNiZn high-entropy alloy using atom probe tomography
Pradeep, K.G. and Wanderka, N. and Choi, P. and Banhart, J. and Murty, B.S. and Raabe, D.
ACTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 61 (2013) - 2013 • 115
Incipient plasticity and deformation mechanisms in single-crystal Mg during spherical nanoindentation
Catoor, D. and Gao, Y.F. and Geng, J. and Prasad, M.J.N.V. and Herbert, E.G. and Kumar, K.S. and Pharr, G.M. and George, E.P.
ACTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 61 (2013) - 2013 • 114
Transmission electron microscopy characterization of CrN films on MgO(001)
Harzer, T.P. and Daniel, R. and Mitterer, C. and Dehm, G. and Zhang, Z.L.
THIN SOLID FILMS. Volume: 545 (2013) - 2013 • 113
Segregation engineering enables nanoscale martensite to austenite phase transformation at grain boundaries: A pathway to ductile martensite
Raabe, D. and Sandlöbes, S. and Millán, J. and Ponge, D. and Assadi, H. and Herbig, M. and Choi, P.-P.
ACTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 61 (2013) - 2013 • 112
A simple stochastic model for yielding in specimens with limited number of dislocations
Sudharshan Phani, P. and Johanns, K.E. and George, E.P. and Pharr, G.M.
ACTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 61 (2013) - 2013 • 111
Purified oxygen- and nitrogen-modified multi-walled carbon nanotubes as metal-free catalysts for selective olefin hydrogenation
Chen, P. and Chew, L.M. and Kostka, A. and Xie, K. and Muhler, M. and Xia, W.
JOURNAL OF ENERGY CHEMISTRY. Volume: 22 (2013) - 2013 • 110
The structural and electronic promoting effect of nitrogen-doped carbon nanotubes on supported Pd nanoparticles for selective olefin hydrogenation
Chen, P. and Chew, L.M. and Kostka, A. and Muhler, M. and Xia, W.
CATALYSIS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. Volume: 3 (2013) - 2013 • 109
Nanocrystalline Fe-C alloys produced by ball milling of iron and graphite
Chen, Y.Z. and Herz, A. and Li, Y.J. and Borchers, C. and Choi, P. and Raabe, D. and Kirchheim, R.
ACTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 61 (2013) - 2013 • 108
Eu-doped ZnO nanowire arrays grown by electrodeposition
Lupan, O. and Pauporté, T. and Viana, B. and Aschehoug, P. and Ahmadi, M. and Cuenya, B.R. and Rudzevich, Y. and Lin, Y. and Chow, L.
APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE. Volume: 282 (2013) - 2013 • 107
Cyclic deformation and lifetime of Alloy 617B during isothermal low cycle fatigue
Maier, G. and Riedel, H. and Somsen, C.
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FATIGUE. Volume: 55 (2013) - 2013 • 106
An elevated temperature study of a Ti adhesion layer on polyimide
Taylor, A.A. and Cordill, M.J. and Bowles, L. and Schalko, J. and Dehm, G.
THIN SOLID FILMS. Volume: 531 (2013) - 2013 • 105
Multi-scale correlative microscopy investigation of both structure and chemistry of deformation twin bundles in Fe-Mn-C steel
Marceau, R.K.W. and Gutierrez-Urrutia, I. and Herbig, M. and Moore, K.L. and Lozano-Perez, S. and Raabe, D.
MICROSCOPY AND MICROANALYSIS. Volume: 19 (2013) - 2013 • 104
Blocking growth by an electrically active subsurface layer: The effect of si as an antisurfactant in the growth of GaN
Markurt, T. and Lymperakis, L. and Neugebauer, J. and Drechsel, P. and Stauss, P. and Schulz, T. and Remmele, T. and Grillo, V. and Rotunno, E. and Albrecht, M.
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS. Volume: 110 (2013) - 2013 • 103
High temperature wear testing of a Ni-based superalloy pin on a cast iron disc
Rynio, C. and Hattendorf, H. and Klöwer, J. and Lüdecke, H.-G. and Eggeler, G.
Measuring composition in InGaN from HAADF-STEM images and studying the temperature dependence of Z-contrast
Mehrtens, T. and Schowalter, M. and Tytko, D. and Choi, P. and Raabe, D. and Hoffmann, L. and Jönen, H. and Rossow, U. and Hangleiter, A. and Rosenauer, A.
JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES. Volume: 471 (2013) - 2013 • 101
Measurement of the indium concentration in high indium content InGaN layers by scanning transmission electron microscopy and atom probe tomography
Mehrtens, T. and Schowalter, M. and Tytko, D. and Choi, P. and Raabe, D. and Hoffmann, L. and Jönen, H. and Rossow, U. and Hangleiter, A. and Rosenauer, A.
APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS. Volume: 102 (2013) - 2013 • 100
Evidence for metal-support interactions in Au modified TiO x/SBA-15 materials prepared by photodeposition
Mei, B. and Wiktor, C. and Turner, S. and Pougin, A. and Van Tendeloo, G. and Fischer, R.A. and Muhler, M. and Strunk, J.
ACS CATALYSIS. Volume: 3 (2013) - 2013 • 99
Grain boundary segregation in a bronze-route Nb3Sn superconducting wire studied by atom probe tomography
Sandim, M.J.R. and Tytko, D. and Kostka, A. and Choi, P. and Awaji, S. and Watanabe, K. and Raabe, D.
Basal and non-basal dislocation slip in Mg–Y
Sandlöbes, S. and Friák, M. and Neugebauer, J. and Raabe, D.
MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A. Volume: 576 (2013) - 2013 • 97
Simple synthesis of superparamagnetic magnetite nanoparticles as highly efficient contrast agent
Jha, D.K. and Shameem, M. and Patel, A.B. and Kostka, A. and Schneider, P. and Erbe, A. and Deb, P.
MATERIALS LETTERS. Volume: 95 (2013) - 2013 • 96
Towards the understanding of sintering phenomena at the nanoscale: Geometric and environmental effects
Behafarid, F. and Roldan Cuenya, B.
TOPICS IN CATALYSIS. Volume: 56 (2013) - 2013 • 95
Preparation of cubic ordered mesoporous silicon carbide monoliths by pressure assisted preceramic polymer nanocasting
Wang, J. and Oschatz, M. and Biemelt, T. and Lohe, M.R. and Borchardt, L. and Kaskel, S.
MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS. Volume: 168 (2013) - 2013 • 94
Magnetization dynamics in Co2MnGe/Al2O3/Co tunnel junctions grown on different substrates
Belmeguenai, M. and Tuzcuoglu, H. and Zighem, F. and Chérif, S.-M. and Roussigné, Y. and Westerholt, K. and Moch, P. and El Bahoui, A. and Genevois, C. and Fnidiki, A.
SENSOR LETTERS. Volume: 11 (2013) - 2013 • 93
Diffusive and massive phase transformations in Ti-Al-Nb alloys-Modelling and experiments
Gamsjäger, E. and Liu, Y. and Rester, M. and Puschnig, P. and Draxl, C. and Clemens, H. and Dehm, G. and Fischer, F.D.
INTERMETALLICS. Volume: 38 (2013) - 2013 • 92
Direct evidence for the formation of ordered carbides in a ferrite-based low-density Fe-Mn-Al-C alloy studied by transmission electron microscopy and atom probe tomography
Seol, J.-B. and Raabe, D. and Choi, P. and Park, H.-S. and Kwak, J.-H. and Park, C.-G.
SCRIPTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 68 (2013) - 2013 • 91
On the annealing mechanism of AuGe/Ni/Au ohmic contacts to a two-dimensional electron gas in GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs heterostructures
Koop, E.J. and Iqbal, M.J. and Limbach, F. and Boute, M. and Van Wees, B.J. and Reuter, D. and Wieck, A.D. and Kooi, B.J. and Van Der Wal, C.H.
Characteristics of the stress-induced formation of R-phase in ultrafine-grained NiTi shape memory wire
Olbricht, J. and Yawny, A. and Pelegrina, J.L. and Eggeler, G. and Yardley, V.A.
JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS. Volume: 579 (2013) - 2012 • 89
Multistage strain hardening through dislocation substructure and twinning in a high strength and ductile weight-reduced Fe-Mn-Al-C steel
Gutierrez-Urrutia, I. and Raabe, D.
ACTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 60 (2012) - 2012 • 88
Dislocation density measurement by electron channeling contrast imaging in a scanning electron microscope
Gutierrez-Urrutia, I. and Raabe, D.
SCRIPTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 66 (2012) - 2012 • 87
In situ study of γ-TiAl lamellae formation in supersaturated α 2-Ti 3Al grains
Cha, L. and Schmoelzer, T. and Zhang, Z. and Mayer, S. and Clemens, H. and Staron, P. and Dehm, G.
ADVANCED ENGINEERING MATERIALS. Volume: 14 (2012) - 2012 • 86
Influence of impurity elements on the nucleation and growth of Si in high purity melt-spun Al-Si-based alloys
Li, J.H. and Zarif, M.Z. and Dehm, G. and Schumacher, P.
PHILOSOPHICAL MAGAZINE. Volume: 92 (2012) - 2012 • 85
Rapid and surfactant-free synthesis of bimetallic Pt-Cu nanoparticles simply via ultrasound-assisted redox replacement
Sun, Z. and Masa, J. and Xia, W. and König, D. and Ludwig, Al. and Li, Z.-A. and Farle, M. and Schuhmann, W. and Muhler, M.
ACS CATALYSIS. Volume: 2 (2012) - 2012 • 84
Evolution of strength and microstructure during annealing of heavily cold-drawn 6.3 GPa hypereutectoid pearlitic steel wire
Li, Y.J. and Choi, P. and Goto, S. and Borchers, C. and Raabe, D. and Kirchheim, R.
ACTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 60 (2012) - 2012 • 83
Dislocation starvation and exhaustion hardening in Mo alloy nanofibers
Chisholm, C. and Bei, H. and Lowry, M.B. and Oh, J. and Syed Asif, S.A. and Warren, O.L. and Shan, Z.W. and George, E.P. and Minor, A.M.
ACTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 60 (2012) - 2012 • 82
Ordered mesoporous materials with MFI structured microporous walls - Synthesis and proof of wall microporosity
Reichinger, M. and Schmidt, W. and Narkhede, V.V. and Zhang, W. and Gies, H. and Grünert, W.
MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS. Volume: 164 (2012) - 2012 • 81
Advanced scanning transmission stereo electron microscopy of structural and functional engineering materials
Agudo Jácome, L. and Eggeler, G. and Dlouhý, A.
ULTRAMICROSCOPY. Volume: 122 (2012) - 2012 • 80
Pseudoelastic deformation and size effects during in situ transmission electron microscopy tensile testing of NiTi
Manchuraju, S. and Kroeger, A. and Somsen, C. and Dlouhy, A. and Eggeler, G. and Sarosi, P.M. and Anderson, P.M. and Mills, M.J.
ACTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 60 (2012) - 2012 • 79
Enhanced electrocatalytic stability of platinum nanoparticles supported on a nitrogen-doped composite of carbon nanotubes and mesoporous titania under oxygen reduction conditions
Masa, J. and Bordoloi, A. and Muhler, M. and Schuhmann, W. and Xia, W.
CHEMSUSCHEM. Volume: 5 (2012) - 2012 • 78
Stability investigations of electrocatalysts on the nanoscale
Meier, J.C. and Katsounaros, I. and Galeano, C. and Bongard, H.J. and Topalov, A.A. and Kostka, A. and Karschin, A. and Schüth, F. and Mayrhofer, K.J.J.
ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE. Volume: 5 (2012) - 2012 • 77
Degradation mechanisms of Pt/C fuel cell catalysts under simulated start-stop conditions
Meier, J.C. and Galeano, C. and Katsounaros, I. and Topalov, A.A. and Kostka, A. and Schüth, F. and Mayrhofer, K.J.J.
ACS CATALYSIS. Volume: 2 (2012) - 2012 • 76
The Role of Oxygen- and Nitrogen-containing Surface Groups on the Sintering of Iron Nanoparticles on Carbon Nanotubes in Different Atmospheres
Sánchez, M.D. and Chen, P. and Reinecke, T. and Muhler, M. and Xia, W.
CHEMCATCHEM. Volume: 4 (2012) - 2012 • 75
The relation between ductility and stacking fault energies in Mg and Mg-Y alloys
Sandlöbes, S. and Friák, M. and Zaefferer, S. and Dick, A. and Yi, S. and Letzig, D. and Pei, Z. and Zhu, L.-F. and Neugebauer, J. and Raabe, D.
ACTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 60 (2012) - 2012 • 74
Interfacial interaction driven CO oxidation: Nanostructured Ce 1-xLa xO 2-δ/TiO 2 solid solutions
Katta, L. and Reddy, B.M. and Muhler, M. and Grünert, W.
CATALYSIS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. Volume: 2 (2012) - 2012 • 73
Toward highly stable electrocatalysts via nanoparticle pore confinement
Galeano, C. and Meier, J.C. and Peinecke, V. and Bongard, H. and Katsounaros, I. and Topalov, A.A. and Lu, A. and Mayrhofer, K.J.J. and Schüth, F.
JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. Volume: 134 (2012) - 2012 • 72
Synthesis of titanium carbonitride coating layers with star-shaped crystallite morphology
Garcia, J. and Pitonak, R. and Agudo, L. and Kostka, A.
MATERIALS LETTERS. Volume: 68 (2012) - 2012 • 71
Advanced nanomechanics in the TEM: Effects of thermal annealing on FIB prepared Cu samples
Kiener, D. and Zhang, Z. and Šturm, S. and Cazottes, S. and Imrich, P.J. and Kirchlechner, C. and Dehm, G.
PHILOSOPHICAL MAGAZINE. Volume: 92 (2012) - 2012 • 70
Atomic layer deposition of Gd 2O 3 and Dy 2O 3: A study of the ALD characteristics and structural and electrical properties
Xu, K. and Ranjith, R. and Laha, A. and Parala, H. and Milanov, A.P. and Fischer, R.A. and Bugiel, E. and Feydt, J. and Irsen, S. and Toader, T. and Bock, C. and Rogalla, D. and Osten, H.-J. and Kunze, U. and Devi, A.
CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS. Volume: 24 (2012) - 2012 • 69
Growth optimization and characterization of lattice-matched Al 0.82In 0.18N optical confinement layer for edge emitting nitride laser diodes
Kim-Chauveau, H. and Frayssinet, E. and Damilano, B. and De Mierry, P. and Bodiou, L. and Nguyen, L. and Vennéguès, P. and Chauveau, J.-M. and Cordier, Y. and Duboz, J.Y. and Charash, R. and Vajpeyi, A. and Lamy, J.-M. and Akhter, M. and Maaskant, P.P. and Corbett, B. and Hangleiter, A. and Wieck, A.
JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH. Volume: 338 (2012) - 2012 • 68
Nanoscale austenite reversion through partitioning, segregation and kinetic freezing: Example of a ductile 2 GPa Fe-Cr-C steel
Yuan, L. and Ponge, D. and Wittig, J. and Choi, P. and Jiménez, J.A. and Raabe, D.
ACTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 60 (2012) - 2012 • 67
Leaf-like dislocation substructures and the decrease of martensitic start temperatures: A new explanation for functional fatigue during thermally induced martensitic transformations in coarse-grained Ni-rich Ti-Ni shape memory alloys
Zhang, J. and Somsen, C. and Simon, T. and Ding, X. and Hou, S. and Ren, S. and Ren, X. and Eggeler, G. and Otsuka, K. and Sun, J.
ACTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 60 (2012) - 2012 • 66
Gas phase oxidation as a tool to introduce oxygen containing groups on metal-loaded carbon nanofibers
Gosselink, R.W. and Van Den Berg, R. and Xia, W. and Muhler, M. and De Jong, K.P. and Bitter, J.H.
CARBON. Volume: 50 (2012) - 2012 • 65
Surfactant-induced nonhydrolytic synthesis of phase-pure ZrO2 nanoparticles from metal-organic and oxocluster precursors
Sliem, M.A. and Schmidt, D.A. and Bétard, A. and Kalidindi, S.B. and Gross, S. and Havenith, M. and Devi, A. and Fischer, R.A.
CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS. Volume: 24 (2012) - 2012 • 64
On the presence of work-hardened zones around fibers in a short-fiber-reinforced Al metal matrix composite
Kurumlu, D. and Payton, E.J. and Somsen, C. and Dlouhy, A. and Eggeler, G.
ACTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 60 (2012) - 2011 • 63
Pulsed-laser atom probe studies of a precipitation hardened maraging TRIP steel
Dmitrieva, O. and Choi, P. and Gerstl, S.S.A. and Ponge, D. and Raabe, D.
ULTRAMICROSCOPY. Volume: 111 (2011) - 2011 • 62
A (S)TEM and atom probe tomography study of InGaN
Mehrtens, T. and Bley, S. and Schowalter, M. and Sebald, K. and Seyfried, M. and Gutowski, J. and Gerstl, S.S.A. and Choi, P.-P. and Raabe, D. and Rosenauer, A.
JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES. Volume: 326 (2011) - 2011 • 61
Creep in directionally solidified NiAl-Mo eutectics
Dudová, M. and Kuchařová, K. and Barták, T. and Bei, H. and George, E.P. and Somsen, C. and Dlouhý, A.
SCRIPTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 65 (2011) - 2011 • 60
Size and size distribution of apatite crystals in sauropod fossil bones
Dumont, M. and Kostka, A. and Sander, P.M. and Borbely, A. and Kaysser-Pyzalla, A.
The relation between shear banding, microstructure and mechanical properties in Mg and Mg-Y alloys
Sandlöbes, S. and Schestakow, I. and Yi, S. and Zaefferer, S. and Chen, J. and Friák, M. and Neugebauer, J. and Raabe, D.
MATERIALS SCIENCE FORUM. Volume: 690 (2011) - 2011 • 58
A facile synthesis of shape- and size-controlled α-Fe 2O3 nanoparticles through hydrothermal method
Wang, G.-H. and Li, W.-C. and Jia, K.-M. and Lu, A.-H. and Feyen, M. and Spliethoff, B. and SchÜth, F.
NANO. Volume: 6 (2011) - 2011 • 57
Small-scale deposition of thin films and nanoparticles by microevaporation sources
Meyer, R. and Hamann, S. and Ehmann, M. and König, D. and Thienhaus, S. and Savan, A. and Ludwig, Al.
Effect of heat-treatment on grain growth of nanocrystalline tricalcium phosphate powder synthesized via the precipitation method
Mobasherpour, I. and Salahi, E. and Manafi, S.A. and Kamachali, R.D.
MATERIALS SCIENCE- POLAND. Volume: 29 (2011) - 2011 • 55
Structural and magnetic characterization of self-assembled iron oxide nanoparticle arrays
Benitez, M.J. and Mishra, D. and Szary, P. and Badini Confalonieri, G.A. and Feyen, M. and Lu, A.H. and Agudo, L. and Eggeler, G. and Petracic, O. and Zabel, H.
JOURNAL OF PHYSICS CONDENSED MATTER. Volume: 23 (2011) - 2011 • 54
TiO 2 coating of high surface area silica gel by chemical vapor deposition of TiCl 4 in a fluidized-bed reactor
Xia, W. and Mei, B. and Sánchez, M.D. and Strunk, J. and Muhler, M.
Visualization and functions of surface defects on carbon nanotubes created by catalytic etching
Xia, W. and Yin, X. and Kundu, S. and Sánchez, M. and Birkner, A. and Wöll, C. and Muhler, M.
CARBON. Volume: 49 (2011) - 2011 • 52
Structural characteristics and catalytic performance of alumina-supported nanosized ceria-lanthana solid solutions
Katta, L. and Thrimurthulu, G. and Reddy, B.M. and Muhler, M. and Grünert, W.
CATALYSIS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. Volume: 1 (2011) - 2011 • 51
Elementary deformation and damage mechanisms during fatigue of pseudoelastic NiTi microstents
Frotscher, M. and Wu, S. and Simon, T. and Somsen, C. and Dlouhy, A. and Eggeler, G.
ADVANCED ENGINEERING MATERIALS. Volume: 13 (2011) - 2011 • 50
Recrystallization and grain growth in ultrafine-grained materials produced by high pressure torsion
Khorashadizadeh, A. and Raabe, D. and Winning, M. and Pippan, R.
ADVANCED ENGINEERING MATERIALS. Volume: 13 (2011) - 2011 • 49
F-doped Co3O4 photocatalysts for sustainable H 2 generation from water/ethanol
Gasparotto, A. and Barreca, D. and Bekermann, D. and Devi, A. and Fischer, R.A. and Fornasiero, P. and Gombac, V. and Lebedev, O.I. and MacCato, C. and Montini, T. and Van Tendeloo, G. and Tondello, E.
JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. Volume: 133 (2011) - 2011 • 48
Nanostructured Ti-catalyzed MgH2 for hydrogen storage
Shao, H. and Felderhoff, M. and Schüth, F. and Weidenthaler, C.
NANOTECHNOLOGY. Volume: 22 (2011) - 2011 • 47
Highly dispersed MoO 3/Al 2O 3 shell-core composites synthesized by CVD of Mo(CO) 6 under atmospheric pressure
Shi, G. and Franzke, T. and Xia, W. and Sanchez, M.D. and Muhler, M.
CHEMICAL VAPOR DEPOSITION. Volume: 17 (2011) - 2011 • 46
Dislocation plasticity of Al film on polyimide investigated by cross-sectional in situ transmission electron microscopy straining
Oh, S.H. and Rentenberger, C. and Im, J. and Motz, C. and Kiener, D. and Karnthaler, H.-P. and Dehm, G.
SCRIPTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 65 (2011) - 2011 • 45
On the stress-induced formation of R-phase in ultra-fine-grained Ni-rich NiTi shape memory alloys
Olbricht, J. and Yawny, A. and Pelegrina, J.L. and Dlouhy, A. and Eggeler, G.
Oxygen chemisorption, formation, and thermal stability of Pt oxides on Pt nanoparticles supported on SiO2/Si(001): Size effects
Ono, L.K. and Croy, J.R. and Heinrich, H. and Roldan Cuenya, B.
JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C. Volume: 115 (2011) - 2011 • 43
Evolution of the structure and chemical state of Pd nanoparticles during the in situ catalytic reduction of NO with H2
Paredis, K. and Ono, L.K. and Behafarid, F. and Zhang, Z. and Yang, J.C. and Frenkel, A.I. and Cuenya, B.R.
JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. Volume: 133 (2011) - 2011 • 42
Scanning transmission electron microscope observations of defects in as-grown and pre-strained Mo alloy fibers
Phani, P.S. and Johanns, K.E. and Duscher, G. and Gali, A. and George, E.P. and Pharr, G.M.
ACTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 59 (2011) - 2011 • 41
Microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of an intermetallic Ti-43.5Al-4Nb-1Mo-0.1B alloy after ageing below the eutectoid temperature
Cha, L. and Clemens, H. and Dehm, G.
In-situ TEM heating study of the γ lamellae formation inside the α2 matrix of a Ti-45Al-7.5Nb alloy
Cha, L. and Clemens, H. and Dehm, G. and Zhang, Z.
ADVANCED MATERIALS RESEARCH. Volume: 146-147 (2011) - 2011 • 39
3D assembly of semiconductor and metal nanocrystals: Hybrid CdTe/Au structures with controlled content
Lesnyak, V. and Wolf, A. and Dubavik, A. and Borchardt, L. and Voitekhovich, S.V. and Gaponik, N. and Kaskel, S. and Eychmüller, A.
JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. Volume: 133 (2011) - 2011 • 38
Thermal stability of TiAIN/CrN multilayer coatings studied by atom probe tomography
Choi, P.-P. and Povstugar, I. and Ahn, J.-P. and Kostka, A. and Raabe, D.
ULTRAMICROSCOPY. Volume: 111 (2011) - 2011 • 37
Atomic-scale mechanisms of deformation-induced cementite decomposition in pearlite
Li, Y.J. and Choi, P. and Borchers, C. and Westerkamp, S. and Goto, S. and Raabe, D. and Kirchheim, R.
ACTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 59 (2011) - 2011 • 36
Phase transformations and functional properties of NiTi alloy with ultrafine-grained structure
Prokofiev, E. and Burow, J. and Frenzel, J. and Gunderov, D. and Eggeler, G. and Valiev, R.
MATERIALS SCIENCE FORUM. Volume: 667-669 (2011) - 2011 • 35
Characterization of grain boundaries in Cu(In,Ga)Se 2 films using atom-probe tomography
Cojocaru-Mirédin, O. and Choi, P.-P. and Abou-Ras, D. and Schmidt, S.S. and Caballero, R. and Raabe, D.
IEEE JOURNAL OF PHOTOVOLTAICS. Volume: 1 (2011) - 2011 • 34
Atomic-scale distribution of impurities in cuinse2-based thin-film solar cells
Cojocaru-Miredin, O. and Choi, P. and Wuerz, R. and Raabe, D.
ULTRAMICROSCOPY. Volume: 111 (2011) - 2011 • 33
Deformation mechanisms in micron-sized PST TiAl compression samples: Experiment and model
Rester, M. and Fischer, F.D. and Kirchlechner, C. and Schmoelzer, T. and Clemens, H. and Dehm, G.
ACTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 59 (2011) - 2010 • 32
In situ TEM study of microplasticity and Bauschinger effect in nanocrystalline metals
Rajagopalan, J. and Rentenberger, C. and Peter Karnthaler, H. and Dehm, G. and Saif, M.T.A.
ACTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 58 (2010) - 2010 • 31
Growth of single-crystal mesoporous carbons with im 3̄ m symmetry
Gu, D. and Bongard, H. and Meng, Y. and Miyasaka, K. and Terasaki, O. and Zhang, F. and Deng, Y. and Wu, Z. and Feng, D. and Fang, Y. and Tu, B. and Schüth, F. and Zhao, D.
CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS. Volume: 22 (2010) - 2010 • 30
Microstructure and magnetic properties of FeCo/Ti thin film multilayers annealed in nitrogen
Brunken, H. and Somsen, C. and Savan, A. and Ludwig, Al.
THIN SOLID FILMS. Volume: 519 (2010) - 2010 • 29
Where Does the Lithium Go? - A Study of the Precipitates in the Stir Zone of a Friction Stir Weld in a Li-containing 2xxx Series Al Alloy
Rao, J.C. and Payton, E.J. and Somsen, C. and Neuking, K. and Eggeler, G. and Kostka, A. and Dos Santos, J.F.
ADVANCED ENGINEERING MATERIALS. Volume: 12 (2010) - 2010 • 28
Creep properties beyond 1100°C and microstructure of Co-Re-Cr alloys
Brunner, M. and Hüttner, R. and Bölitz, M.-C. and Völkl, R. and Mukherji, D. and Rösler, J. and Depka, T. and Somsen, C. and Eggeler, G. and Glatzel, U.
MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A. Volume: 528 (2010) - 2010 • 27
Focused ion beam/scanning electron microscopy tomography and conventional transmission electron microscopy assessment of Ni4Ti3 morphology in compression-aged Ni-rich Ni-Ti single crystals
Cao, S. and Somsen, C. and Croitoru, M. and Schryvers, D. and Eggeler, G.
SCRIPTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 62 (2010) - 2010 • 26
A review of crystallographic textures in chemical vapor-deposited diamond films
Liu, T. and Raabe, D. and Mao, W.-M.
SIGNAL, IMAGE AND VIDEO PROCESSING. Volume: 4 (2010) - 2010 • 25
Highly active iron oxide supported gold catalysts for CO oxidation: How small must the gold nanoparticles be?
Liu, Y. and Jia, C.-N. and Yamasaki, J. and Terasaki, O. and Schüth, F.
Structural characterization of a Cu/MgO(001) interface using C S-corrected HRTEM
Cazottes, S. and Zhang, Z.L. and Daniel, R. and Chawla, J.S. and Gall, D. and Dehm, G.
THIN SOLID FILMS. Volume: 519 (2010) - 2010 • 23
The ferromagnetic shape memory system Fe-Pd-Cu
Hamann, S. and Gruner, M.E. and Irsen, S. and Buschbeck, J. and Bechtold, C. and Kock, I. and Mayr, S.G. and Savan, A. and Thienhaus, S. and Quandt, E. and Fähler, S. and Entel, P. and Ludwig, Al.
ACTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 58 (2010) - 2010 • 22
Spatially and size selective synthesis of Fe-based nanoparticles on ordered mesoporous supports as highly active and stable catalysts for ammonia decomposition
Lu, A.-H. and Nitz, J.-J. and Comotti, M. and Weidenthaler, C. and Schlichte, K. and Lehmann, C.W. and Terasaki, O. and Schüth, F.
JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. Volume: 132 (2010) - 2010 • 21
Solving the structure of size-selected Pt nanocatalysts synthesized by inverse micelle encapsulation
Roldan Cuenya, B. and Croy, J.R. and Mostafa, S. and Behafarid, F. and Li, L. and Zhang, Z. and Yang, J.C. and Wang, Q. and Frenkel, A.I.
JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. Volume: 132 (2010) - 2010 • 20
Synthesis and characterization of ZnO nanowires for nanosensor applications
Lupan, O. and Emelchenko, G.A. and Ursaki, V.V. and Chai, G. and Redkin, A.N. and Gruzintsev, A.N. and Tiginyanu, I.M. and Chow, L. and Ono, L.K. and Roldan Cuenya, B. and Heinrich, H. and Yakimov, E.E.
MATERIALS RESEARCH BULLETIN. Volume: 45 (2010) - 2010 • 19
Effect of low-temperature precipitation on the transformation characteristics of Ni-rich NiTi shape memory alloys during thermal cycling
Wagner, M.F.-X. and Dey, S.R. and Gugel, H. and Frenzel, J. and Somsen, C. and Eggeler, G.
INTERMETALLICS. Volume: 18 (2010) - 2010 • 18
Magnetic coupling mechanisms in particle/thin film composite systems
Confalonieri, G.A.B. and Szary, P. and Mishra, D. and Benitez, M.J. and Feyen, M. and Lu, A.H. and Agudo, L. and Eggeler, G. and Petracic, O. and Zabel, H.
Annealing behavior of ferritic-martensitic 9%Cr-ODS-Eurofer steel
Sandim, H.R.Z. and Renzetti, R.A. and Padilha, A.F. and Raabe, D. and Klimenkov, M. and Lindau, R. and Möslang, A.
MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A. Volume: 527 (2010) - 2010 • 16
Plastic anisotropy of γ-TiAl revealed by axisymmetric indentation
Zambaldi, C. and Raabe, D.
ACTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 58 (2010) - 2010 • 15
Very low temperature CO oxidation over colloidally deposited gold nanoparticles on Mg(OH)2 and MgO
Jia, C.-N. and Liu, Y. and Bongard, H. and Schüth, F.
JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. Volume: 132 (2010) - 2010 • 14
Investigation of strain-induced martensitic transformation in metastable austenite using nanoindentation
Ahn, T.-H. and Oh, C.-S. and Kim, D.H. and Oh, K.H. and Bei, H. and George, E.P. and Han, H.N.
SCRIPTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 63 (2010) - 2010 • 13
Metal-free and electrocatalytically active nitrogen-doped carbon nanotubes synthesized by coating with polyaniline
Jin, C. and Nagaiah, T.C. and Xia, W. and Spliethoff, B. and Wang, S. and Bron, M. and Schuhmann, W. and Muhler, M.
NANOSCALE. Volume: 2 (2010) - 2010 • 12
Rh-RhSx nanoparticles grafted on functionalized carbon nanotubes as catalyst for the oxygen reduction reaction
Jin, C. and Xia, W. and Nagaiah, T.C. and Guo, J. and Chen, X. and Li, N. and Bron, M. and Schuhmann, W. and Muhler, M.
JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY. Volume: 20 (2010) - 2010 • 11
On the multiplication of dislocations during martensitic transformations in NiTi shape memory alloys
Simon, T. and Kröger, A. and Somsen, C. and Dlouhy, A. and Eggeler, G.
ACTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 58 (2010) - 2010 • 10
Formation and thermal stability of platinum oxides on size-selected platinum nanoparticles: Support effects
Ono, L.K. and Yuan, B. and Heinrich, H. and Roldan Cuenya, B.
JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C. Volume: 114 (2010) - 2010 • 9
Epitaxially stabilized TiN/(Ti,Fe,Co)N multilayer thin films in (pseudo-)fcc crystal structure by sequential magnetron sputter deposition
Klever, C. and Seemann, K. and Stüber, M. and Ulrich, S. and Brunken, H. and Ludwig, Al. and Leiste, H.
JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D: APPLIED PHYSICS. Volume: 43 (2010) - 2010 • 8
Artificial single variant martensite in freestanding Fe70Pd 30 films obtained by coherent epitaxial growth
Bechtold, C. and Buschbeck, J. and Lotnyk, A. and Erkartal, B. and Hamann, S. and Zamponi, C. and Schultz, L. and Ludwig, Al. and Kienle, L. and Fähler, S. and Quandt, E.
ADVANCED MATERIALS. Volume: 22 (2010) - 2010 • 7
Formation, stability and crystal structure of the r phase in Mo-Re-Si alloys
Bei, H. and Yang, Y. and Viswanathan, G.B. and Rawn, C.J. and George, E.P. and Tiley, J. and Chang, Y.A.
ACTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 58 (2010) - 2010 • 6
How dislocation substructures evolve during long-term creep of a 12% Cr tempered martensitic ferritic steel
Pešička, J. and Aghajani, A. and Somsen, C. and Hartmaier, A. and Eggeler, G.
SCRIPTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 62 (2010) - 2010 • 5
Analysis of local microstructure after shear creep deformation of a fine-grained duplex γ-TiAl alloy
Peter, D. and Viswanathan, G.B. and Dlouhy, A. and Eggeler, G.
ACTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 58 (2010) - 2010 • 4
Microplasticity phenomena in thermomechanically strained nickel thin films
Taylor, A.A. and Oh, S.H. and Dehm, G.
JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE. Volume: 45 (2010) - 2010 • 3
Suppression of Ni4Ti3 precipitation by grain size refinement in Ni-rich NiTi shape memory alloys
Prokofiev, E.A. and Burow, J.A. and Payton, E.J. and Zarnetta, R. and Frenzel, J. and Gunderov, D.V. and Valiev, R.Z. and Eggeler, G.
ADVANCED ENGINEERING MATERIALS. Volume: 12 (2010) - 2009 • 2
Mechanical alloying and amorphization in Cu-Nb-Ag in situ composite wires studied by transmission electron microscopy and atom probe tomography
Raabe, D. and Ohsaki, S. and Hono, K.
ACTA MATERIALIA. Volume: 57 (2009) - 2009 • 1
High-resolution transmission electron microscopy and electron backscatter diffraction in nanoscaled ferritic and ferritic-martensitic oxide dispersion strengthened-steels
Eiselt, Ch.Ch. and Klimenkov, M. and Lindau, R. and Möslang, A. and Sandim, H.R.Z. and Padilha, A.F. and Raabe, D.